Created at 11/25/2024 19:09

Lovable, Rivergrass, Blue Green, Dynamic Magenta, Royalty Loyalty, Totally Black, Magnet, Illusive Green, Rose Brown, Stormy Sunri

Blue Green
Dynamic Magenta
Royalty Loyalty
Totally Black
Illusive Green
Rose Brown
Stormy Sunrise
Lemon Drop
Peach Powder
Offshore Mist
Tender Yellow
Slightly Peach
Matterhorn Snow
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Lemon Drop #fdd878 and Matterhorn Snow #e0fefe. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Lovable, Rivergrass, Blue Green, Dynamic Magenta, Royalty Loyalty, Totally Black, Magnet, Illusive Green, Rose Brown, Stormy Sunri has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #c87570, RGB: (200, 117, 112); HEX: #84a27b, RGB: (132, 162, 123); HEX: #137e6d, RGB: (19, 126, 109)
HEX: #8a547f, RGB: (138, 84, 127); HEX: #ae58ab, RGB: (174, 88, 171); HEX: #3f4041, RGB: (63, 64, 65)
HEX: #4d4b4f, RGB: (77, 75, 79); HEX: #92948d, RGB: (146, 148, 141); HEX: #bc8e8f, RGB: (188, 142, 143)
HEX: #c8a2c8, RGB: (200, 162, 200); HEX: #fdd878, RGB: (253, 216, 120); HEX: #e2bdb3, RGB: (226, 189, 179)
HEX: #cad8d8, RGB: (202, 216, 216); HEX: #ededb7, RGB: (237, 237, 183); HEX: #f1ddd8, RGB: (241, 221, 216)
HEX: #e0fefe, RGB: (224, 254, 254)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of indianred, Tint of darkseagreen, Shade of Teal, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of mediumorchid, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of Grey, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of plum, Tint of Khaki, Tint of mistyrose, Shade of lightgrey, Shade of palegoldenrod, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of lightcyan
Color scheme was created by hex

Colors codes in palette

Lovable, Rivergrass, Blue Green, Dynamic Magenta, Royalty Loyalty, Totally Black, Magnet, Illusive Green, Rose Brown, Stormy Sunri color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#c87570 RGB(200, 117, 112)Lovable
#84a27b RGB(132, 162, 123)Rivergrass
#137e6d RGB(19, 126, 109)Blue GreenBlue green
#8a547f RGB(138, 84, 127)Dynamic Magenta
#ae58ab RGB(174, 88, 171)Royalty Loyalty
#3f4041 RGB(63, 64, 65)Totally Black
#4d4b4f RGB(77, 75, 79)Magnet
#92948d RGB(146, 148, 141)Illusive Green
#bc8e8f RGB(188, 142, 143)Rose Brown
#c8a2c8 RGB(200, 162, 200)Stormy Sunrise
#fdd878 RGB(253, 216, 120)Lemon Drop
#e2bdb3 RGB(226, 189, 179)Peach Powder
#cad8d8 RGB(202, 216, 216)Offshore Mist
#ededb7 RGB(237, 237, 183)Tender Yellow
#f1ddd8 RGB(241, 221, 216)Slightly Peach
#e0fefe RGB(224, 254, 254)Matterhorn Snow

Color Palette Contrast

55 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Lovable, Rivergrass, Blue Green, Dynamic Magenta, Royalty Loyalty, Totally Black, Magnet, Illusive Green, Rose Brown, Stormy Sunri png

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