Created at 11/29/2024 12:52
Korma, Plastic Carrot, Mossy Green, Sixteen Million Pink, Bracken, Passion Razz, Armada, Purple Ragwort palette
Plastic Carrot
Mossy Green
Sixteen Million Pink
Passion Razz
Purple Ragwort
Aloha Sunset
Crystal Clear
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Mossy Green #5a7c46 and Sixteen Million Pink #fd02ff. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Korma, Plastic Carrot, Mossy Green, Sixteen Million Pink, Bracken, Passion Razz, Armada, Purple Ragwort palette has combination of 10 codes colors:
HEX: #804e2c, RGB: (128, 78, 44); HEX: #f65d20, RGB: (246, 93, 32); HEX: #5a7c46, RGB: (90, 124, 70)
HEX: #fd02ff, RGB: (253, 2, 255); HEX: #5b3d27, RGB: (91, 61, 39); HEX: #59355e, RGB: (89, 53, 94)
HEX: #536762, RGB: (83, 103, 98); HEX: #8c8798, RGB: (140, 135, 152); HEX: #e9aa91, RGB: (233, 170, 145)
HEX: #f4e9ea, RGB: (244, 233, 234)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of saddlebrown, Shade of orangered, Shade of darkolivegreen, Shade of magenta, Tint of saddlebrown, Shade of Purple, Shade of darkslategrey, Shade of Grey, Shade of darksalmon, Tint of lavenderblush
Color scheme was created by colorday
Colors codes in palette
Korma, Plastic Carrot, Mossy Green, Sixteen Million Pink, Bracken, Passion Razz, Armada, Purple Ragwort palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#804e2c | RGB(128, 78, 44) | Korma | — | |
#f65d20 | RGB(246, 93, 32) | Plastic Carrot | — | |
#5a7c46 | RGB(90, 124, 70) | Mossy Green | — | |
#fd02ff | RGB(253, 2, 255) | Sixteen Million Pink | — | |
#5b3d27 | RGB(91, 61, 39) | Bracken | — | |
#59355e | RGB(89, 53, 94) | Passion Razz | — | |
#536762 | RGB(83, 103, 98) | Armada | — | |
#8c8798 | RGB(140, 135, 152) | Purple Ragwort | — | |
#e9aa91 | RGB(233, 170, 145) | Aloha Sunset | — | |
#f4e9ea | RGB(244, 233, 234) | Crystal Clear | — |
Color Palette Contrast
22 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#804e2c | #5a7c46 | 1.44 |
#804e2c | #5b3d27 | 1.42 |
#804e2c | #59355e | 1.45 |
#804e2c | #536762 | 1.14 |
#804e2c | #8c8798 | 1.98 |
#f65d20 | #5a7c46 | 1.47 |