Created at 12/02/2024 13:22

MicroProse Red, Man Cave, Christmas Orange, Mr Mustard, Pīlā Yellow, Lime Acid, Rhinoceros, Sonic Blue, Valor, Rum Custard, Modest

MicroProse Red
Man Cave
Christmas Orange
Mr Mustard
Pīlā Yellow
Lime Acid
Sonic Blue
Rum Custard
Pink Hydrangea
Rum Swizzle
Magical Stardust
Snowfall White
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The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Pīlā Yellow #ffff55 and Sonic Blue #17569b. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette MicroProse Red, Man Cave, Christmas Orange, Mr Mustard, Pīlā Yellow, Lime Acid, Rhinoceros, Sonic Blue, Valor, Rum Custard, Modest has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #ee172b, RGB: (238, 23, 43); HEX: #816045, RGB: (129, 96, 69); HEX: #d56c2b, RGB: (213, 108, 43)
HEX: #e4b857, RGB: (228, 184, 87); HEX: #ffff55, RGB: (255, 255, 85); HEX: #afff01, RGB: (175, 255, 1)
HEX: #727a7c, RGB: (114, 122, 124); HEX: #17569b, RGB: (23, 86, 155); HEX: #a3bcdb, RGB: (163, 188, 219)
HEX: #e9cfaa, RGB: (233, 207, 170); HEX: #d4c7d9, RGB: (212, 199, 217); HEX: #f8c1bb, RGB: (248, 193, 187)
HEX: #f1edd4, RGB: (241, 237, 212); HEX: #eaeadb, RGB: (234, 234, 219); HEX: #eeede0, RGB: (238, 237, 224)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of crimson, Shade of sienna, Shade of chocolate, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of Yellow, Tint of greenyellow, Tint of Grey, Tint of royalblue, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of wheat, Shade of thistle, Tint of Pink, Tint of beige, Tint of beige, Tint of floralwhite
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

MicroProse Red, Man Cave, Christmas Orange, Mr Mustard, Pīlā Yellow, Lime Acid, Rhinoceros, Sonic Blue, Valor, Rum Custard, Modest color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ee172b RGB(238, 23, 43)MicroProse Red
#816045 RGB(129, 96, 69)Man Cave
#d56c2b RGB(213, 108, 43)Christmas Orange
#e4b857 RGB(228, 184, 87)Mr Mustard
#ffff55 RGB(255, 255, 85)Pīlā Yellow
#afff01 RGB(175, 255, 1)Lime Acid
#727a7c RGB(114, 122, 124)Rhinoceros
#17569b RGB(23, 86, 155)Sonic Blue
#a3bcdb RGB(163, 188, 219)Valor
#e9cfaa RGB(233, 207, 170)Rum Custard
#d4c7d9 RGB(212, 199, 217)Modesty
#f8c1bb RGB(248, 193, 187)Pink Hydrangea
#f1edd4 RGB(241, 237, 212)Rum Swizzle
#eaeadb RGB(234, 234, 219)Magical Stardust
#eeede0 RGB(238, 237, 224)Snowfall White

Color Palette Contrast

56 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette MicroProse Red, Man Cave, Christmas Orange, Mr Mustard, Pīlā Yellow, Lime Acid, Rhinoceros, Sonic Blue, Valor, Rum Custard, Modest png

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