Created at 12/02/2024 21:02

Bittersweet, Exploding Star, Venomous Green, Chain Gang Grey, Labradorite Green, Bavarian Sweet Mustard, Phantom Mist, Tidal Green

Exploding Star
Venomous Green
Chain Gang Grey
Labradorite Green
Bavarian Sweet Mustard
Phantom Mist
Tidal Green
Bungalow Maple
Corydalis Blue
Peach Puree
Wishy-Washy Yellow
Sugar Cane
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The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Exploding Star #fed83a and Venomous Green #66ff22. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Bittersweet, Exploding Star, Venomous Green, Chain Gang Grey, Labradorite Green, Bavarian Sweet Mustard, Phantom Mist, Tidal Green has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #fea051, RGB: (254, 160, 81); HEX: #fed83a, RGB: (254, 216, 58); HEX: #66ff22, RGB: (102, 255, 34)
HEX: #708090, RGB: (112, 128, 144); HEX: #547d80, RGB: (84, 125, 128); HEX: #4d3113, RGB: (77, 49, 19)
HEX: #4b4441, RGB: (75, 68, 65); HEX: #cdca98, RGB: (205, 202, 152); HEX: #e4c590, RGB: (228, 197, 144)
HEX: #ddc49e, RGB: (221, 196, 158); HEX: #a9cada, RGB: (169, 202, 218); HEX: #efcfba, RGB: (239, 207, 186)
HEX: #e9e9d5, RGB: (233, 233, 213); HEX: #eeefdf, RGB: (238, 239, 223)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of sandybrown, Shade of gold, Tint of lawngreen, slategrey, Shade of Teal, Tint of saddlebrown, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkkhaki, Shade of burlywood, Shade of tan, Tint of lightblue, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of beige, Tint of beige
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Bittersweet, Exploding Star, Venomous Green, Chain Gang Grey, Labradorite Green, Bavarian Sweet Mustard, Phantom Mist, Tidal Green color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#fea051 RGB(254, 160, 81)Bittersweet
#fed83a RGB(254, 216, 58)Exploding Star
#66ff22 RGB(102, 255, 34)Venomous Green
#708090 RGB(112, 128, 144)Chain Gang GreySlategray
#547d80 RGB(84, 125, 128)Labradorite Green
#4d3113 RGB(77, 49, 19)Bavarian Sweet Mustard
#4b4441 RGB(75, 68, 65)Phantom Mist
#cdca98 RGB(205, 202, 152)Tidal Green
#e4c590 RGB(228, 197, 144)Bungalow Maple
#ddc49e RGB(221, 196, 158)Canoe
#a9cada RGB(169, 202, 218)Corydalis Blue
#efcfba RGB(239, 207, 186)Peach Puree
#e9e9d5 RGB(233, 233, 213)Wishy-Washy Yellow
#eeefdf RGB(238, 239, 223)Sugar Cane

Color Palette Contrast

47 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Bittersweet, Exploding Star, Venomous Green, Chain Gang Grey, Labradorite Green, Bavarian Sweet Mustard, Phantom Mist, Tidal Green png

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