Created at 12/07/2024 17:31

Romantic Night, Rebellion Red, Pixelated Grass, Lothern Blue, Blue Bolt, Mystery Oceans, Midnight Jam, Chocolate Truffle, Downing

Romantic Night
Rebellion Red
Pixelated Grass
Lothern Blue
Blue Bolt
Mystery Oceans
Midnight Jam
Chocolate Truffle
Downing Straw
Coral Cloud
Lilac Cotton Candy
Sweet Butter
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The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Blue Bolt #00b9fb and Sweet Butter #fffcd7. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Romantic Night, Rebellion Red, Pixelated Grass, Lothern Blue, Blue Bolt, Mystery Oceans, Midnight Jam, Chocolate Truffle, Downing has combination of 13 codes colors:
HEX: #96353a, RGB: (150, 53, 58); HEX: #cc0404, RGB: (204, 4, 4); HEX: #009337, RGB: (0, 147, 55)
HEX: #6699cc, RGB: (102, 153, 204); HEX: #00b9fb, RGB: (0, 185, 251); HEX: #063c89, RGB: (6, 60, 137)
HEX: #0b0119, RGB: (11, 1, 25); HEX: #612e35, RGB: (97, 46, 53); HEX: #caab7d, RGB: (202, 171, 125)
HEX: #e2a9a1, RGB: (226, 169, 161); HEX: #cdd7ec, RGB: (205, 215, 236); HEX: #f2ebd3, RGB: (242, 235, 211)
HEX: #fffcd7, RGB: (255, 252, 215)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Tint of firebrick, Tint of forestgreen, Tint of cornflowerblue, Tint of deepskyblue, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of Black, Shade of Maroon, Tint of tan, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of lavender, Tint of cornsilk, Shade of lightgoldenrodyellow
Color scheme was created by bad_colors

Colors codes in palette

Romantic Night, Rebellion Red, Pixelated Grass, Lothern Blue, Blue Bolt, Mystery Oceans, Midnight Jam, Chocolate Truffle, Downing color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#96353a RGB(150, 53, 58)Romantic Night
#cc0404 RGB(204, 4, 4)Rebellion Red
#009337 RGB(0, 147, 55)Pixelated GrassKelley green
#6699cc RGB(102, 153, 204)Lothern Blue
#00b9fb RGB(0, 185, 251)Blue Bolt
#063c89 RGB(6, 60, 137)Mystery Oceans
#0b0119 RGB(11, 1, 25)Midnight Jam
#612e35 RGB(97, 46, 53)Chocolate Truffle
#caab7d RGB(202, 171, 125)Downing Straw
#e2a9a1 RGB(226, 169, 161)Coral Cloud
#cdd7ec RGB(205, 215, 236)Lilac Cotton Candy
#f2ebd3 RGB(242, 235, 211)Candlewick
#fffcd7 RGB(255, 252, 215)Sweet Butter

Color Palette Contrast

31 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Romantic Night, Rebellion Red, Pixelated Grass, Lothern Blue, Blue Bolt, Mystery Oceans, Midnight Jam, Chocolate Truffle, Downing png

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