Created at 12/08/2024 11:09
Vermilion, Not My Fault, Mendocino Hills, Meadowland, Goldsmith, Safe Harbour, Sir Edmund, Baby Bok Choy, Warm Ash, Wax Sculpture,
Not My Fault
Mendocino Hills
Safe Harbour
Sir Edmund
Baby Bok Choy
Warm Ash
Wax Sculpture
Light Security
Wink Pink
Aphrodite's Pearls
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Vermilion #f4320c and Aphrodite's Pearls #eeffff. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Vermilion, Not My Fault, Mendocino Hills, Meadowland, Goldsmith, Safe Harbour, Sir Edmund, Baby Bok Choy, Warm Ash, Wax Sculpture, has combination of 13 codes colors:
HEX: #f4320c, RGB: (244, 50, 12); HEX: #7e7d78, RGB: (126, 125, 120); HEX: #837a64, RGB: (131, 122, 100)
HEX: #807a55, RGB: (128, 122, 85); HEX: #eeb550, RGB: (238, 181, 80); HEX: #1e8ea1, RGB: (30, 142, 161)
HEX: #20415d, RGB: (32, 65, 93); HEX: #bbb98a, RGB: (187, 185, 138); HEX: #cfc9c7, RGB: (207, 201, 199)
HEX: #e2d5bd, RGB: (226, 213, 189); HEX: #e0e9d0, RGB: (224, 233, 208); HEX: #ede3e7, RGB: (237, 227, 231)
HEX: #eeffff, RGB: (238, 255, 255)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Red, Tint of Grey, Tint of Grey, Shade of Olive, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of darkcyan, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of darkkhaki, Shade of Silver, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of beige, Tint of lavenderblush, Tint of azure
Color scheme was created by colorhunt
Colors codes in palette
Vermilion, Not My Fault, Mendocino Hills, Meadowland, Goldsmith, Safe Harbour, Sir Edmund, Baby Bok Choy, Warm Ash, Wax Sculpture, color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#f4320c | RGB(244, 50, 12) | Vermilion | Vermillion | |
#7e7d78 | RGB(126, 125, 120) | Not My Fault | — | |
#837a64 | RGB(131, 122, 100) | Mendocino Hills | — | |
#807a55 | RGB(128, 122, 85) | Meadowland | — | |
#eeb550 | RGB(238, 181, 80) | Goldsmith | — | |
#1e8ea1 | RGB(30, 142, 161) | Safe Harbour | — | |
#20415d | RGB(32, 65, 93) | Sir Edmund | — | |
#bbb98a | RGB(187, 185, 138) | Baby Bok Choy | — | |
#cfc9c7 | RGB(207, 201, 199) | Warm Ash | — | |
#e2d5bd | RGB(226, 213, 189) | Wax Sculpture | — | |
#e0e9d0 | RGB(224, 233, 208) | Light Security | — | |
#ede3e7 | RGB(237, 227, 231) | Wink Pink | — | |
#eeffff | RGB(238, 255, 255) | Aphrodite's Pearls | — |
Color Palette Contrast
33 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#f4320c | #7e7d78 | 1.04 |
#f4320c | #837a64 | 1.07 |
#f4320c | #807a55 | 1.09 |
#f4320c | #1e8ea1 | 1.02 |
#f4320c | #bbb98a | 1.96 |
#7e7d78 | #837a64 | 1.03 |