Created at 12/10/2024 13:46
Jama Masjid Taupe, Bruschetta, Green Illude, Blue Winged Teal, Tarnished Silver, Razzberries, Ninja, Squid Ink Powder, Old Mahogan
Jama Masjid Taupe
Green Illude
Blue Winged Teal
Tarnished Silver
Squid Ink Powder
Old Mahogany
Abyssal Anchorfish Blue
Blackberry Tart
Rhythmic Blue
Green Parlor
Dry Season
Au Naturel
Stone Quarry
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Blue Winged Teal #00827c and Old Mahogany #4a0100. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Jama Masjid Taupe, Bruschetta, Green Illude, Blue Winged Teal, Tarnished Silver, Razzberries, Ninja, Squid Ink Powder, Old Mahogan has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #b38b6d, RGB: (179, 139, 109); HEX: #a75949, RGB: (167, 89, 73); HEX: #6e6f56, RGB: (110, 111, 86)
HEX: #00827c, RGB: (0, 130, 124); HEX: #797b80, RGB: (121, 123, 128); HEX: #d1768c, RGB: (209, 118, 140)
HEX: #020308, RGB: (2, 3, 8); HEX: #001133, RGB: (0, 17, 51); HEX: #4a0100, RGB: (74, 1, 0)
HEX: #1b2632, RGB: (27, 38, 50); HEX: #563342, RGB: (86, 51, 66); HEX: #b8d5d7, RGB: (184, 213, 215)
HEX: #cfddb9, RGB: (207, 221, 185); HEX: #d4cecd, RGB: (212, 206, 205); HEX: #e8cac0, RGB: (232, 202, 192)
HEX: #ece4dc, RGB: (236, 228, 220)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of peru, Shade of sienna, Shade of darkolivegreen, Shade of Teal, Tint of Grey, Tint of palevioletred, Shade of Black, Tint of midnightblue, Tint of Maroon, Shade of Black, Shade of Purple, Tint of powderblue, Tint of lightgoldenrodyellow, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of linen
Color scheme was created by hex
Colors codes in palette
Jama Masjid Taupe, Bruschetta, Green Illude, Blue Winged Teal, Tarnished Silver, Razzberries, Ninja, Squid Ink Powder, Old Mahogan color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#b38b6d | RGB(179, 139, 109) | Jama Masjid Taupe | — | |
#a75949 | RGB(167, 89, 73) | Bruschetta | — | |
#6e6f56 | RGB(110, 111, 86) | Green Illude | — | |
#00827c | RGB(0, 130, 124) | Blue Winged Teal | — | |
#797b80 | RGB(121, 123, 128) | Tarnished Silver | — | |
#d1768c | RGB(209, 118, 140) | Razzberries | — | |
#020308 | RGB(2, 3, 8) | Ninja | — | |
#001133 | RGB(0, 17, 51) | Squid Ink Powder | — | |
#4a0100 | RGB(74, 1, 0) | Old Mahogany | Mahogany | |
#1b2632 | RGB(27, 38, 50) | Abyssal Anchorfish Blue | — | |
#563342 | RGB(86, 51, 66) | Blackberry Tart | — | |
#b8d5d7 | RGB(184, 213, 215) | Rhythmic Blue | — | |
#cfddb9 | RGB(207, 221, 185) | Green Parlor | — | |
#d4cecd | RGB(212, 206, 205) | Dry Season | — | |
#e8cac0 | RGB(232, 202, 192) | Au Naturel | — | |
#ece4dc | RGB(236, 228, 220) | Stone Quarry | — |
Color Palette Contrast
38 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#b38b6d | #a75949 | 1.63 |
#b38b6d | #6e6f56 | 1.67 |
#b38b6d | #00827c | 1.52 |
#b38b6d | #797b80 | 1.37 |
#b38b6d | #d1768c | 1.02 |
#b38b6d | #b8d5d7 | 1.98 |