Created at 12/12/2024 22:44
Philippine Red, Flamboyant, Rustic Ranch, Tanooki Suit Brown, Aqua Obscura, High Profile, Magenta Pink, Sandalwood Grey Blue, Codi
Philippine Red
Rustic Ranch
Tanooki Suit Brown
Aqua Obscura
High Profile
Magenta Pink
Sandalwood Grey Blue
Codium Fragile
Black Magic
Water Chi
Spray Green
Fynbos Leaf
Dissolved Denim
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Flamboyant #f73d37 and High Profile #005a85. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Philippine Red, Flamboyant, Rustic Ranch, Tanooki Suit Brown, Aqua Obscura, High Profile, Magenta Pink, Sandalwood Grey Blue, Codi has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #ce1127, RGB: (206, 17, 39); HEX: #f73d37, RGB: (247, 61, 55); HEX: #8d794f, RGB: (141, 121, 79)
HEX: #ae6c37, RGB: (174, 108, 55); HEX: #05696b, RGB: (5, 105, 107); HEX: #005a85, RGB: (0, 90, 133)
HEX: #cc338b, RGB: (204, 51, 139); HEX: #005160, RGB: (0, 81, 96); HEX: #524b2a, RGB: (82, 75, 42)
HEX: #4f4554, RGB: (79, 69, 84); HEX: #355873, RGB: (53, 88, 115); HEX: #aea692, RGB: (174, 166, 146)
HEX: #aeb1ac, RGB: (174, 177, 172); HEX: #e2ecf2, RGB: (226, 236, 242)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of crimson, Shade of Red, Shade of Olive, Tint of chocolate, Tint of Teal, Tint of royalblue, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of darkolivegreen, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of aliceblue
Color scheme was created by colorhunt
Colors codes in palette
Philippine Red, Flamboyant, Rustic Ranch, Tanooki Suit Brown, Aqua Obscura, High Profile, Magenta Pink, Sandalwood Grey Blue, Codi color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#ce1127 | RGB(206, 17, 39) | Philippine Red | — | |
#f73d37 | RGB(247, 61, 55) | Flamboyant | — | |
#8d794f | RGB(141, 121, 79) | Rustic Ranch | — | |
#ae6c37 | RGB(174, 108, 55) | Tanooki Suit Brown | — | |
#05696b | RGB(5, 105, 107) | Aqua Obscura | Dark aqua | |
#005a85 | RGB(0, 90, 133) | High Profile | — | |
#cc338b | RGB(204, 51, 139) | Magenta Pink | — | |
#005160 | RGB(0, 81, 96) | Sandalwood Grey Blue | — | |
#524b2a | RGB(82, 75, 42) | Codium Fragile | — | |
#4f4554 | RGB(79, 69, 84) | Black Magic | — | |
#355873 | RGB(53, 88, 115) | Water Chi | — | |
#aea692 | RGB(174, 166, 146) | Spray Green | — | |
#aeb1ac | RGB(174, 177, 172) | Fynbos Leaf | — | |
#e2ecf2 | RGB(226, 236, 242) | Dissolved Denim | — |
Color Palette Contrast
53 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#ce1127 | #f73d37 | 1.52 |
#ce1127 | #8d794f | 1.33 |
#ce1127 | #ae6c37 | 1.33 |
#ce1127 | #05696b | 1.15 |
#ce1127 | #005a85 | 1.33 |
#ce1127 | #cc338b | 1.18 |