Created at 12/13/2024 13:00
Flaming Torch, Olivine, Grassy Green, Indigo Mouse, Mission Wildflower, Oblivion, Inner Space, Midnight Sun, Dusty Heather, Minnes
Flaming Torch
Grassy Green
Indigo Mouse
Mission Wildflower
Inner Space
Midnight Sun
Dusty Heather
Minnesota April
Beige Intenso
Something Blue
Foggy Mist
Ending Dawn
Snow Plum
The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Grassy Green #419c03 and Oblivion #000435. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Flaming Torch, Olivine, Grassy Green, Indigo Mouse, Mission Wildflower, Oblivion, Inner Space, Midnight Sun, Dusty Heather, Minnes has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #d2864e, RGB: (210, 134, 78); HEX: #9ab973, RGB: (154, 185, 115); HEX: #419c03, RGB: (65, 156, 3)
HEX: #6c848d, RGB: (108, 132, 141); HEX: #9e5566, RGB: (158, 85, 102); HEX: #000435, RGB: (0, 4, 53)
HEX: #285b5f, RGB: (40, 91, 95); HEX: #4e5a6d, RGB: (78, 90, 109); HEX: #8990a3, RGB: (137, 144, 163)
HEX: #9b9fb5, RGB: (155, 159, 181); HEX: #c5a88d, RGB: (197, 168, 141); HEX: #c687d6, RGB: (198, 135, 214)
HEX: #afcbe5, RGB: (175, 203, 229); HEX: #b0d6e6, RGB: (176, 214, 230); HEX: #c8d1cc, RGB: (200, 209, 204)
HEX: #fcc9b9, RGB: (252, 201, 185); HEX: #f4eaf0, RGB: (244, 234, 240)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of peru, Tint of darkseagreen, Shade of forestgreen, Shade of slategrey, Tint of indianred, Tint of midnightblue, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of tan, Shade of orchid, Shade of lightsteelblue, Tint of lightblue, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of lavenderblush
Color scheme was created by colourlock
Colors codes in palette
Flaming Torch, Olivine, Grassy Green, Indigo Mouse, Mission Wildflower, Oblivion, Inner Space, Midnight Sun, Dusty Heather, Minnes color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#d2864e | RGB(210, 134, 78) | Flaming Torch | — | |
#9ab973 | RGB(154, 185, 115) | Olivine | — | |
#419c03 | RGB(65, 156, 3) | Grassy Green | Grassy green | |
#6c848d | RGB(108, 132, 141) | Indigo Mouse | — | |
#9e5566 | RGB(158, 85, 102) | Mission Wildflower | — | |
#000435 | RGB(0, 4, 53) | Oblivion | Dark navy | |
#285b5f | RGB(40, 91, 95) | Inner Space | — | |
#4e5a6d | RGB(78, 90, 109) | Midnight Sun | — | |
#8990a3 | RGB(137, 144, 163) | Dusty Heather | — | |
#9b9fb5 | RGB(155, 159, 181) | Minnesota April | — | |
#c5a88d | RGB(197, 168, 141) | Beige Intenso | — | |
#c687d6 | RGB(198, 135, 214) | Purception | — | |
#afcbe5 | RGB(175, 203, 229) | Featherbed | — | |
#b0d6e6 | RGB(176, 214, 230) | Something Blue | — | |
#c8d1cc | RGB(200, 209, 204) | Foggy Mist | — | |
#fcc9b9 | RGB(252, 201, 185) | Ending Dawn | — | |
#f4eaf0 | RGB(244, 234, 240) | Snow Plum | — |
Color Palette Contrast
72 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#d2864e | #9ab973 | 1.31 |
#d2864e | #419c03 | 1.21 |
#d2864e | #6c848d | 1.36 |
#d2864e | #9e5566 | 1.84 |
#d2864e | #8990a3 | 1.1 |
#d2864e | #9b9fb5 | 1.1 |