Created at 12/13/2024 15:05
Dubbin, Brazilian Brown, Wheatberry, Summer Sunset, Orange Danger, Flying Fish Blue, D. Darx Blue, Royal Battle, Pinebrook, Missio
Brazilian Brown
Summer Sunset
Orange Danger
Flying Fish Blue
D. Darx Blue
Royal Battle
Mission Hills
Silver Grey
Craftsman Gold
Partly Cloudy
Aged Plastic Casing
Bright Clove
Playa Arenosa
Hapsburg Court
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Flying Fish Blue #024aca and Aged Plastic Casing #fffa86. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Dubbin, Brazilian Brown, Wheatberry, Summer Sunset, Orange Danger, Flying Fish Blue, D. Darx Blue, Royal Battle, Pinebrook, Missio has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #ae8b64, RGB: (174, 139, 100); HEX: #7f5131, RGB: (127, 81, 49); HEX: #c8865e, RGB: (200, 134, 94)
HEX: #d88167, RGB: (216, 129, 103); HEX: #dd6600, RGB: (221, 102, 0); HEX: #024aca, RGB: (2, 74, 202)
HEX: #030764, RGB: (3, 7, 100); HEX: #2f3844, RGB: (47, 56, 68); HEX: #5d695a, RGB: (93, 105, 90)
HEX: #b29c7f, RGB: (178, 156, 127); HEX: #a8a8a4, RGB: (168, 168, 164); HEX: #d3b78b, RGB: (211, 183, 139)
HEX: #9dbbcd, RGB: (157, 187, 205); HEX: #fffa86, RGB: (255, 250, 134); HEX: #efcf9b, RGB: (239, 207, 155)
HEX: #dcc7b3, RGB: (220, 199, 179); HEX: #e2d4d6, RGB: (226, 212, 214)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of peru, Shade of saddlebrown, Shade of peru, Tint of darksalmon, Tint of chocolate, Tint of slateblue, Tint of midnightblue, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of tan, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of tan, Tint of lightsteelblue, Shade of Khaki, Tint of navajowhite, Shade of tan, Shade of lightgrey
Color scheme was created by colorday
Colors codes in palette
Dubbin, Brazilian Brown, Wheatberry, Summer Sunset, Orange Danger, Flying Fish Blue, D. Darx Blue, Royal Battle, Pinebrook, Missio color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#ae8b64 | RGB(174, 139, 100) | Dubbin | — | |
#7f5131 | RGB(127, 81, 49) | Brazilian Brown | — | |
#c8865e | RGB(200, 134, 94) | Wheatberry | — | |
#d88167 | RGB(216, 129, 103) | Summer Sunset | — | |
#dd6600 | RGB(221, 102, 0) | Orange Danger | — | |
#024aca | RGB(2, 74, 202) | Flying Fish Blue | — | |
#030764 | RGB(3, 7, 100) | D. Darx Blue | Darkblue | |
#2f3844 | RGB(47, 56, 68) | Royal Battle | — | |
#5d695a | RGB(93, 105, 90) | Pinebrook | — | |
#b29c7f | RGB(178, 156, 127) | Mission Hills | — | |
#a8a8a4 | RGB(168, 168, 164) | Silver Grey | — | |
#d3b78b | RGB(211, 183, 139) | Craftsman Gold | — | |
#9dbbcd | RGB(157, 187, 205) | Partly Cloudy | — | |
#fffa86 | RGB(255, 250, 134) | Aged Plastic Casing | Manilla | |
#efcf9b | RGB(239, 207, 155) | Bright Clove | — | |
#dcc7b3 | RGB(220, 199, 179) | Playa Arenosa | — | |
#e2d4d6 | RGB(226, 212, 214) | Hapsburg Court | — |
Color Palette Contrast
63 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#ae8b64 | #c8865e | 1.05 |
#ae8b64 | #d88167 | 1.08 |
#ae8b64 | #dd6600 | 1.11 |
#ae8b64 | #5d695a | 1.83 |
#ae8b64 | #b29c7f | 1.19 |
#ae8b64 | #a8a8a4 | 1.31 |