Created at 12/13/2024 15:28

Ferocious, Macchiato, Chips Provencale, Stormy Sea, Apnea Dive, Grenade, Cold Steel, Blue Fantastic, Wild Currant, Wizard's Brew,

Chips Provencale
Stormy Sea
Apnea Dive
Cold Steel
Blue Fantastic
Wild Currant
Wizard's Brew
Temperate Taupe
Strawberry Soap
Barely Aqua
Opalescent Coral
Modest Violet
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Apnea Dive #284fbd and Opalescent Coral #ffd2a9. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Ferocious, Macchiato, Chips Provencale, Stormy Sea, Apnea Dive, Grenade, Cold Steel, Blue Fantastic, Wild Currant, Wizard's Brew, has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #e2261f, RGB: (226, 38, 31); HEX: #928168, RGB: (146, 129, 104); HEX: #ddd618, RGB: (221, 214, 24)
HEX: #6e8082, RGB: (110, 128, 130); HEX: #284fbd, RGB: (40, 79, 189); HEX: #c32149, RGB: (195, 33, 73)
HEX: #262335, RGB: (38, 35, 53); HEX: #2c3b4d, RGB: (44, 59, 77); HEX: #7c3239, RGB: (124, 50, 57)
HEX: #a090b8, RGB: (160, 144, 184); HEX: #bfb1aa, RGB: (191, 177, 170); HEX: #bac0b3, RGB: (186, 192, 179)
HEX: #f7879a, RGB: (247, 135, 154); HEX: #9ad6e5, RGB: (154, 214, 229); HEX: #bae9e0, RGB: (186, 233, 224)
HEX: #ffd2a9, RGB: (255, 210, 169); HEX: #e9e4ef, RGB: (233, 228, 239)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Red, Shade of Grey, Tint of gold, Tint of Grey, Tint of slateblue, Shade of crimson, Shade of Black, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of brown, Tint of plum, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of Silver, Shade of lightcoral, Tint of lightblue, Tint of paleturquoise, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of lavender
Color scheme was created by colorstudio

Colors codes in palette

Ferocious, Macchiato, Chips Provencale, Stormy Sea, Apnea Dive, Grenade, Cold Steel, Blue Fantastic, Wild Currant, Wizard's Brew, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#e2261f RGB(226, 38, 31)Ferocious
#928168 RGB(146, 129, 104)Macchiato
#ddd618 RGB(221, 214, 24)Chips ProvencalePiss yellow
#6e8082 RGB(110, 128, 130)Stormy Sea
#284fbd RGB(40, 79, 189)Apnea Dive
#c32149 RGB(195, 33, 73)Grenade
#262335 RGB(38, 35, 53)Cold Steel
#2c3b4d RGB(44, 59, 77)Blue Fantastic
#7c3239 RGB(124, 50, 57)Wild Currant
#a090b8 RGB(160, 144, 184)Wizard's Brew
#bfb1aa RGB(191, 177, 170)Temperate Taupe
#bac0b3 RGB(186, 192, 179)Tasman
#f7879a RGB(247, 135, 154)Strawberry SoapRose pink
#9ad6e5 RGB(154, 214, 229)Oceano
#bae9e0 RGB(186, 233, 224)Barely Aqua
#ffd2a9 RGB(255, 210, 169)Opalescent Coral
#e9e4ef RGB(233, 228, 239)Modest Violet

Color Palette Contrast

60 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Ferocious, Macchiato, Chips Provencale, Stormy Sea, Apnea Dive, Grenade, Cold Steel, Blue Fantastic, Wild Currant, Wizard's Brew, png