Created at 12/14/2024 10:22
Shades of Ruby, Tank Grey, Leather Work, Rhythm & Blues, Black Htun, Creeping Bellflower, Delightful, Sparkling Metal, Your Pink p
Shades of Ruby
Tank Grey
Leather Work
Rhythm & Blues
Black Htun
Creeping Bellflower
Sparkling Metal
Your Pink
Sonora Rose
Foggy Day
The palette consists of Dark, Light colors. Accent colors Rhythm & Blues #70767b and Your Pink #ffc5bb. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Shades of Ruby, Tank Grey, Leather Work, Rhythm & Blues, Black Htun, Creeping Bellflower, Delightful, Sparkling Metal, Your Pink p has combination of 11 codes colors:
HEX: #9c0009, RGB: (156, 0, 9); HEX: #848481, RGB: (132, 132, 129); HEX: #8a6347, RGB: (138, 99, 71)
HEX: #70767b, RGB: (112, 118, 123); HEX: #110033, RGB: (17, 0, 51); HEX: #b48ac2, RGB: (180, 138, 194)
HEX: #d2b6be, RGB: (210, 182, 190); HEX: #c3c3c7, RGB: (195, 195, 199); HEX: #ffc5bb, RGB: (255, 197, 187)
HEX: #e8d2e3, RGB: (232, 210, 227); HEX: #e7e3db, RGB: (231, 227, 219)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkred, Shade of Grey, Shade of sienna, Shade of dimgrey, Tint of midnightblue, Tint of plum, Tint of thistle, Shade of Silver, Shade of Pink, Shade of thistle, Shade of gainsboro
Color scheme was created by hex
Colors codes in palette
Shades of Ruby, Tank Grey, Leather Work, Rhythm & Blues, Black Htun, Creeping Bellflower, Delightful, Sparkling Metal, Your Pink p color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#9c0009 | RGB(156, 0, 9) | Shades of Ruby | — | |
#848481 | RGB(132, 132, 129) | Tank Grey | — | |
#8a6347 | RGB(138, 99, 71) | Leather Work | — | |
#70767b | RGB(112, 118, 123) | Rhythm & Blues | — | |
#110033 | RGB(17, 0, 51) | Black Htun | — | |
#b48ac2 | RGB(180, 138, 194) | Creeping Bellflower | — | |
#d2b6be | RGB(210, 182, 190) | Delightful | — | |
#c3c3c7 | RGB(195, 195, 199) | Sparkling Metal | — | |
#ffc5bb | RGB(255, 197, 187) | Your Pink | — | |
#e8d2e3 | RGB(232, 210, 227) | Sonora Rose | — | |
#e7e3db | RGB(231, 227, 219) | Foggy Day | — |
Color Palette Contrast
22 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#9c0009 | #8a6347 | 1.63 |
#9c0009 | #70767b | 1.88 |
#848481 | #8a6347 | 1.41 |
#848481 | #70767b | 1.22 |
#848481 | #b48ac2 | 1.31 |
#848481 | #d2b6be | 1.99 |