Created at 12/18/2024 14:43

Purri Sticks, The Goods, Hacienda Tile, Amberglow, Toxic Boyfriend, Noshime Flower, Ticino Blue, Vintage Indigo, Dramatist, Honey

Purri Sticks
The Goods
Hacienda Tile
Toxic Boyfriend
Noshime Flower
Ticino Blue
Vintage Indigo
Honey Blush
St. Augustine
Rusty Pebble
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Toxic Boyfriend #ccff11 and Ticino Blue #268bcc. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Purri Sticks, The Goods, Hacienda Tile, Amberglow, Toxic Boyfriend, Noshime Flower, Ticino Blue, Vintage Indigo, Dramatist, Honey has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #898078, RGB: (137, 128, 120); HEX: #aaa651, RGB: (170, 166, 81); HEX: #b86d64, RGB: (184, 109, 100)
HEX: #dc793e, RGB: (220, 121, 62); HEX: #ccff11, RGB: (204, 255, 17); HEX: #426579, RGB: (66, 101, 121)
HEX: #268bcc, RGB: (38, 139, 204); HEX: #4a556b, RGB: (74, 85, 107); HEX: #4b4775, RGB: (75, 71, 117)
HEX: #f5cf9b, RGB: (245, 207, 155); HEX: #d0ddcc, RGB: (208, 221, 204); HEX: #eddcc8, RGB: (237, 220, 200)
HEX: #f6eec0, RGB: (246, 238, 192); HEX: #e3dce0, RGB: (227, 220, 224); HEX: #fbecd3, RGB: (251, 236, 211)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Grey, Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of indianred, Shade of chocolate, Shade of greenyellow, Tint of royalblue, Tint of steelblue, Shade of darkslateblue, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of navajowhite, Tint of honeydew, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of lemonchiffon, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of papayawhip
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

Purri Sticks, The Goods, Hacienda Tile, Amberglow, Toxic Boyfriend, Noshime Flower, Ticino Blue, Vintage Indigo, Dramatist, Honey color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#898078 RGB(137, 128, 120)Purri Sticks
#aaa651 RGB(170, 166, 81)The Goods
#b86d64 RGB(184, 109, 100)Hacienda Tile
#dc793e RGB(220, 121, 62)Amberglow
#ccff11 RGB(204, 255, 17)Toxic Boyfriend
#426579 RGB(66, 101, 121)Noshime Flower
#268bcc RGB(38, 139, 204)Ticino Blue
#4a556b RGB(74, 85, 107)Vintage Indigo
#4b4775 RGB(75, 71, 117)Dramatist
#f5cf9b RGB(245, 207, 155)Honey Blush
#d0ddcc RGB(208, 221, 204)St. Augustine
#eddcc8 RGB(237, 220, 200)Almond
#f6eec0 RGB(246, 238, 192)Joyful
#e3dce0 RGB(227, 220, 224)Rusty Pebble
#fbecd3 RGB(251, 236, 211)Junket

Color Palette Contrast

43 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Purri Sticks, The Goods, Hacienda Tile, Amberglow, Toxic Boyfriend, Noshime Flower, Ticino Blue, Vintage Indigo, Dramatist, Honey png

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