Created at 12/25/2024 14:59
Aura Orange
Dent Corn
Busy Bee
Jagged Ice
Patient White
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Dent Corn #f2b717 and Busy Bee #f4ff00. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette KONG88 has combination of 5 codes colors:
HEX: #b4262a, RGB: (180, 38, 42); HEX: #f2b717, RGB: (242, 183, 23); HEX: #f4ff00, RGB: (244, 255, 0)
HEX: #cae7e2, RGB: (202, 231, 226); HEX: #ede2de, RGB: (237, 226, 222)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of firebrick, Shade of goldenrod, Tint of Yellow, Tint of lightcyan, Tint of linen
Color scheme was created by kong88vn
Color Palette Contrast
6 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#f2b717 | #f4ff00 | 1.65 |
#f2b717 | #cae7e2 | 1.38 |
#f2b717 | #ede2de | 1.43 |
#f4ff00 | #cae7e2 | 1.19 |
#f4ff00 | #ede2de | 1.15 |
#cae7e2 | #ede2de | 1.03 |