Created at 12/25/2024 22:26

Dirt, Barrel Aged, Chá Lǜ Green, Torrid Turquoise, Cameo Blue, Timid Sea, Black of Night, Gun Powder, Satin Soil, Ceremonial Grey,

Barrel Aged
Chá Lǜ Green
Torrid Turquoise
Cameo Blue
Timid Sea
Black of Night
Gun Powder
Satin Soil
Ceremonial Grey
Andes Ash
Tropical Freeze
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The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Torrid Turquoise #00938b and Flip-Flop #f2c4a7. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Dirt, Barrel Aged, Chá Lǜ Green, Torrid Turquoise, Cameo Blue, Timid Sea, Black of Night, Gun Powder, Satin Soil, Ceremonial Grey, has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #9b7653, RGB: (155, 118, 83); HEX: #8b6945, RGB: (139, 105, 69); HEX: #77926f, RGB: (119, 146, 111)
HEX: #00938b, RGB: (0, 147, 139); HEX: #769da6, RGB: (118, 157, 166); HEX: #66a9b0, RGB: (102, 169, 176)
HEX: #323639, RGB: (50, 54, 57); HEX: #484753, RGB: (72, 71, 83); HEX: #6b4836, RGB: (107, 72, 54)
HEX: #91998e, RGB: (145, 153, 142); HEX: #c1a097, RGB: (193, 160, 151); HEX: #baa7bf, RGB: (186, 167, 191)
HEX: #99ddcc, RGB: (153, 221, 204); HEX: #f2c4a7, RGB: (242, 196, 167)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of peru, Shade of sienna, Shade of seashell, Shade of darkcyan, Shade of cadetblue, Shade of cadetblue, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of saddlebrown, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of thistle, Shade of mediumaquamarine, Tint of peachpuff
Color scheme was created by hex

Colors codes in palette

Dirt, Barrel Aged, Chá Lǜ Green, Torrid Turquoise, Cameo Blue, Timid Sea, Black of Night, Gun Powder, Satin Soil, Ceremonial Grey, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#9b7653 RGB(155, 118, 83)Dirt
#8b6945 RGB(139, 105, 69)Barrel Aged
#77926f RGB(119, 146, 111)Chá Lǜ GreenGreen grey
#00938b RGB(0, 147, 139)Torrid Turquoise
#769da6 RGB(118, 157, 166)Cameo Blue
#66a9b0 RGB(102, 169, 176)Timid Sea
#323639 RGB(50, 54, 57)Black of Night
#484753 RGB(72, 71, 83)Gun Powder
#6b4836 RGB(107, 72, 54)Satin Soil
#91998e RGB(145, 153, 142)Ceremonial Grey
#c1a097 RGB(193, 160, 151)Andes Ash
#baa7bf RGB(186, 167, 191)Velour
#99ddcc RGB(153, 221, 204)Tropical Freeze
#f2c4a7 RGB(242, 196, 167)Flip-Flop

Color Palette Contrast

51 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Dirt, Barrel Aged, Chá Lǜ Green, Torrid Turquoise, Cameo Blue, Timid Sea, Black of Night, Gun Powder, Satin Soil, Ceremonial Grey, png

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