Created at 12/29/2024 16:40

Codman Claret, Cactus Sand, Ochre, Egg Toast, Chestnut Shell, Maximum Blue, Jugendstil Pink, Rose Chintz, Rhubarb, Old Doeskin, Ro

Codman Claret
Cactus Sand
Egg Toast
Chestnut Shell
Maximum Blue
Jugendstil Pink
Rose Chintz
Old Doeskin
Rose Essence
Gull Feather
Oyster Cracker
Bit of Blue
Snail Trail Silver
Dipped in Cream
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The palette consists of Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Chestnut Shell #adff2f and Jacaranda #f9d7ee. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Codman Claret, Cactus Sand, Ochre, Egg Toast, Chestnut Shell, Maximum Blue, Jugendstil Pink, Rose Chintz, Rhubarb, Old Doeskin, Ro has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #8c4040, RGB: (140, 64, 64); HEX: #9c9369, RGB: (156, 147, 105); HEX: #cc7722, RGB: (204, 119, 34)
HEX: #f2c911, RGB: (242, 201, 17); HEX: #adff2f, RGB: (173, 255, 47); HEX: #47abcc, RGB: (71, 171, 204)
HEX: #9d6375, RGB: (157, 99, 117); HEX: #c77579, RGB: (199, 117, 121); HEX: #77202f, RGB: (119, 32, 47)
HEX: #bdab9b, RGB: (189, 171, 155); HEX: #f29b89, RGB: (242, 155, 137); HEX: #c2c2bc, RGB: (194, 194, 188)
HEX: #f4f0d2, RGB: (244, 240, 210); HEX: #e2eaeb, RGB: (226, 234, 235); HEX: #f9d7ee, RGB: (249, 215, 238)
HEX: #e9eeeb, RGB: (233, 238, 235); HEX: #fcf6eb, RGB: (252, 246, 235)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Tint of darkkhaki, Tint of peru, Tint of gold, greenyellow, Shade of deepskyblue, Tint of palevioletred, Shade of indianred, Shade of Maroon, Tint of tan, Shade of darksalmon, Shade of Silver, Tint of beige, Shade of gainsboro, Shade of thistle, Tint of whitesmoke, Tint of floralwhite
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Codman Claret, Cactus Sand, Ochre, Egg Toast, Chestnut Shell, Maximum Blue, Jugendstil Pink, Rose Chintz, Rhubarb, Old Doeskin, Ro color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#8c4040 RGB(140, 64, 64)Codman Claret
#9c9369 RGB(156, 147, 105)Cactus Sand
#cc7722 RGB(204, 119, 34)Ochre
#f2c911 RGB(242, 201, 17)Egg Toast
#adff2f RGB(173, 255, 47)Chestnut ShellGreenyellow
#47abcc RGB(71, 171, 204)Maximum Blue
#9d6375 RGB(157, 99, 117)Jugendstil Pink
#c77579 RGB(199, 117, 121)Rose Chintz
#77202f RGB(119, 32, 47)Rhubarb
#bdab9b RGB(189, 171, 155)Old Doeskin
#f29b89 RGB(242, 155, 137)Rose Essence
#c2c2bc RGB(194, 194, 188)Gull Feather
#f4f0d2 RGB(244, 240, 210)Oyster Cracker
#e2eaeb RGB(226, 234, 235)Bit of Blue
#f9d7ee RGB(249, 215, 238)Jacaranda
#e9eeeb RGB(233, 238, 235)Snail Trail Silver
#fcf6eb RGB(252, 246, 235)Dipped in Cream

Color Palette Contrast

70 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Codman Claret, Cactus Sand, Ochre, Egg Toast, Chestnut Shell, Maximum Blue, Jugendstil Pink, Rose Chintz, Rhubarb, Old Doeskin, Ro png

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