Created at 12/30/2024 13:11

Emotional, Yellow Mandarin, Spleen Green, Ghoul, Geneva Green, Chicory Coffee, Peruvian Lily, Marine Layer, Wine Yellow, Yellow Sa

Yellow Mandarin
Spleen Green
Geneva Green
Chicory Coffee
Peruvian Lily
Marine Layer
Wine Yellow
Yellow Salmonberry
Lyman Camellia
Limited Lime
Pearled Ivory
White Opal
Dusky Moon
Weathered Mint
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The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Marine Layer #a5b4b6 and Yellow Salmonberry #fff47c. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Emotional, Yellow Mandarin, Spleen Green, Ghoul, Geneva Green, Chicory Coffee, Peruvian Lily, Marine Layer, Wine Yellow, Yellow Sa has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #c65f47, RGB: (198, 95, 71); HEX: #d28034, RGB: (210, 128, 52); HEX: #ccee00, RGB: (204, 238, 0)
HEX: #667744, RGB: (102, 119, 68); HEX: #1f7f76, RGB: (31, 127, 118); HEX: #4a342e, RGB: (74, 52, 46)
HEX: #cd7db5, RGB: (205, 125, 181); HEX: #a5b4b6, RGB: (165, 180, 182); HEX: #d7c485, RGB: (215, 196, 133)
HEX: #fff47c, RGB: (255, 244, 124); HEX: #e5c7b9, RGB: (229, 199, 185); HEX: #eaecb9, RGB: (234, 236, 185)
HEX: #f0dfcc, RGB: (240, 223, 204); HEX: #e7e2dd, RGB: (231, 226, 221); HEX: #edecd7, RGB: (237, 236, 215)
HEX: #e4f5e1, RGB: (228, 245, 225)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of indianred, Tint of peru, Tint of greenyellow, Shade of darkolivegreen, Shade of Teal, Shade of Maroon, Tint of orchid, Shade of darkgrey, Shade of darkkhaki, Shade of Khaki, Tint of peachpuff, Shade of palegoldenrod, Tint of antiquewhite, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of beige, Tint of honeydew
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

Emotional, Yellow Mandarin, Spleen Green, Ghoul, Geneva Green, Chicory Coffee, Peruvian Lily, Marine Layer, Wine Yellow, Yellow Sa color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#c65f47 RGB(198, 95, 71)Emotional
#d28034 RGB(210, 128, 52)Yellow Mandarin
#ccee00 RGB(204, 238, 0)Spleen Green
#667744 RGB(102, 119, 68)Ghoul
#1f7f76 RGB(31, 127, 118)Geneva Green
#4a342e RGB(74, 52, 46)Chicory Coffee
#cd7db5 RGB(205, 125, 181)Peruvian Lily
#a5b4b6 RGB(165, 180, 182)Marine Layer
#d7c485 RGB(215, 196, 133)Wine Yellow
#fff47c RGB(255, 244, 124)Yellow Salmonberry
#e5c7b9 RGB(229, 199, 185)Lyman Camellia
#eaecb9 RGB(234, 236, 185)Limited Lime
#f0dfcc RGB(240, 223, 204)Pearled Ivory
#e7e2dd RGB(231, 226, 221)White Opal
#edecd7 RGB(237, 236, 215)Dusky Moon
#e4f5e1 RGB(228, 245, 225)Weathered Mint

Color Palette Contrast

62 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Emotional, Yellow Mandarin, Spleen Green, Ghoul, Geneva Green, Chicory Coffee, Peruvian Lily, Marine Layer, Wine Yellow, Yellow Sa png

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