Created at 12/30/2024 14:17
Shadow, Potter Green, Ice Blue, Royalty Loyalty, High Drama, Rose Rush, Bitter Liquorice, Millbrook, Gingko, Peach Latte, Cherryst
Potter Green
Ice Blue
Royalty Loyalty
High Drama
Rose Rush
Bitter Liquorice
Peach Latte
Sweet Nothings
Buttery Salmon
Thin Ice
Mauve White
The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Ice Blue #739bd0 and Buttery Salmon #ffb19a. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Shadow, Potter Green, Ice Blue, Royalty Loyalty, High Drama, Rose Rush, Bitter Liquorice, Millbrook, Gingko, Peach Latte, Cherryst has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #837050, RGB: (131, 112, 80); HEX: #938a2a, RGB: (147, 138, 42); HEX: #739bd0, RGB: (115, 155, 208)
HEX: #ae58ab, RGB: (174, 88, 171); HEX: #9a3843, RGB: (154, 56, 67); HEX: #dd2255, RGB: (221, 34, 85)
HEX: #262926, RGB: (38, 41, 38); HEX: #595648, RGB: (89, 86, 72); HEX: #a3c899, RGB: (163, 200, 153)
HEX: #e7c19f, RGB: (231, 193, 159); HEX: #f79890, RGB: (247, 152, 144); HEX: #bbdbd0, RGB: (187, 219, 208)
HEX: #ffb19a, RGB: (255, 177, 154); HEX: #e6d3b6, RGB: (230, 211, 182); HEX: #d9dcdb, RGB: (217, 220, 219)
HEX: #dee3e4, RGB: (222, 227, 228)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Shade of Olive, Shade of cornflowerblue, Tint of mediumorchid, Shade of brown, Shade of crimson, Shade of Black, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of peachpuff, Shade of lightcoral, Tint of powderblue, Shade of lightsalmon, Tint of wheat, Tint of gainsboro, Shade of gainsboro
Color scheme was created by colorstudio
Colors codes in palette
Shadow, Potter Green, Ice Blue, Royalty Loyalty, High Drama, Rose Rush, Bitter Liquorice, Millbrook, Gingko, Peach Latte, Cherryst color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#837050 | RGB(131, 112, 80) | Shadow | — | |
#938a2a | RGB(147, 138, 42) | Potter Green | — | |
#739bd0 | RGB(115, 155, 208) | Ice Blue | — | |
#ae58ab | RGB(174, 88, 171) | Royalty Loyalty | — | |
#9a3843 | RGB(154, 56, 67) | High Drama | — | |
#dd2255 | RGB(221, 34, 85) | Rose Rush | — | |
#262926 | RGB(38, 41, 38) | Bitter Liquorice | — | |
#595648 | RGB(89, 86, 72) | Millbrook | — | |
#a3c899 | RGB(163, 200, 153) | Gingko | — | |
#e7c19f | RGB(231, 193, 159) | Peach Latte | — | |
#f79890 | RGB(247, 152, 144) | Cherrystone | — | |
#bbdbd0 | RGB(187, 219, 208) | Sweet Nothings | — | |
#ffb19a | RGB(255, 177, 154) | Buttery Salmon | Pale salmon | |
#e6d3b6 | RGB(230, 211, 182) | Aebleskiver | — | |
#d9dcdb | RGB(217, 220, 219) | Thin Ice | — | |
#dee3e4 | RGB(222, 227, 228) | Mauve White | — |
Color Palette Contrast
55 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#837050 | #938a2a | 1.34 |
#837050 | #739bd0 | 1.66 |
#837050 | #ae58ab | 1.08 |
#837050 | #9a3843 | 1.45 |
#837050 | #dd2255 | 1 |
#837050 | #595648 | 1.54 |