Created at 12/30/2024 17:58
Salted Pretzel, Choco Loco, Red Gerbera, Pale Brown, Puerto Rico, Grey Blue, Navagio Bay, Cabaret, Incremental Blue, Disappearing
Salted Pretzel
Choco Loco
Red Gerbera
Pale Brown
Puerto Rico
Grey Blue
Navagio Bay
Incremental Blue
Disappearing Purple
Man Friday
Sand Dollar
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Cabaret #cd526c and Incremental Blue #123456. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Salted Pretzel, Choco Loco, Red Gerbera, Pale Brown, Puerto Rico, Grey Blue, Navagio Bay, Cabaret, Incremental Blue, Disappearing has combination of 12 codes colors:
HEX: #816b56, RGB: (129, 107, 86); HEX: #7d5f53, RGB: (125, 95, 83); HEX: #b07473, RGB: (176, 116, 115)
HEX: #b1916e, RGB: (177, 145, 110); HEX: #59baa3, RGB: (89, 186, 163); HEX: #77a1b5, RGB: (119, 161, 181)
HEX: #3183a0, RGB: (49, 131, 160); HEX: #cd526c, RGB: (205, 82, 108); HEX: #123456, RGB: (18, 52, 86)
HEX: #3f313a, RGB: (63, 49, 58); HEX: #3c4c5d, RGB: (60, 76, 93); HEX: #decdbe, RGB: (222, 205, 190)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Shade of sienna, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of tan, Tint of mediumaquamarine, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of steelblue, Tint of indianred, Shade of midnightblue, Shade of Black, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of antiquewhite
Color scheme was created by colorday
Colors codes in palette
Salted Pretzel, Choco Loco, Red Gerbera, Pale Brown, Puerto Rico, Grey Blue, Navagio Bay, Cabaret, Incremental Blue, Disappearing color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#816b56 | RGB(129, 107, 86) | Salted Pretzel | — | |
#7d5f53 | RGB(125, 95, 83) | Choco Loco | — | |
#b07473 | RGB(176, 116, 115) | Red Gerbera | — | |
#b1916e | RGB(177, 145, 110) | Pale Brown | Pale brown | |
#59baa3 | RGB(89, 186, 163) | Puerto Rico | — | |
#77a1b5 | RGB(119, 161, 181) | Grey Blue | Greyblue | |
#3183a0 | RGB(49, 131, 160) | Navagio Bay | — | |
#cd526c | RGB(205, 82, 108) | Cabaret | — | |
#123456 | RGB(18, 52, 86) | Incremental Blue | — | |
#3f313a | RGB(63, 49, 58) | Disappearing Purple | — | |
#3c4c5d | RGB(60, 76, 93) | Man Friday | — | |
#decdbe | RGB(222, 205, 190) | Sand Dollar | — |
Color Palette Contrast
33 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#816b56 | #7d5f53 | 1.14 |
#816b56 | #b07473 | 1.34 |
#816b56 | #b1916e | 1.71 |
#816b56 | #77a1b5 | 1.81 |
#816b56 | #3183a0 | 1.17 |
#816b56 | #cd526c | 1.2 |