Created at 12/30/2024 19:53
Codman Claret, Clear Red, Cave of the Winds, Jade Mountain, Fly the Green, US Air Force Blue, Death of a Star, Whiplash, Alpine Du
Codman Claret
Clear Red
Cave of the Winds
Jade Mountain
Fly the Green
US Air Force Blue
Death of a Star
Alpine Duck Grey
Matte Sage Green
Red Rock Panorama
Proper Grey
September Song
Stone Pillar
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Clear Red #ce261c and US Air Force Blue #00308f. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Codman Claret, Clear Red, Cave of the Winds, Jade Mountain, Fly the Green, US Air Force Blue, Death of a Star, Whiplash, Alpine Du has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #8c4040, RGB: (140, 64, 64); HEX: #ce261c, RGB: (206, 38, 28); HEX: #86736e, RGB: (134, 115, 110)
HEX: #34c2a7, RGB: (52, 194, 167); HEX: #218d4b, RGB: (33, 141, 75); HEX: #00308f, RGB: (0, 48, 143)
HEX: #e760d2, RGB: (231, 96, 210); HEX: #c74547, RGB: (199, 69, 71); HEX: #40464d, RGB: (64, 70, 77)
HEX: #8a9381, RGB: (138, 147, 129); HEX: #8fbabc, RGB: (143, 186, 188); HEX: #b29e9d, RGB: (178, 158, 157)
HEX: #ada8a5, RGB: (173, 168, 165); HEX: #ced7c1, RGB: (206, 215, 193); HEX: #d5d8c8, RGB: (213, 216, 200)
HEX: #e2e0d6, RGB: (226, 224, 214); HEX: #efe5d4, RGB: (239, 229, 212)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Shade of firebrick, Tint of Grey, Tint of mediumaquamarine, Tint of seashell, Shade of midnightblue, Tint of orchid, Shade of crimson, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of Grey, Tint of lightblue, Shade of rosybrown, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of beige, Tint of beige, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of antiquewhite
Color scheme was created by bad_colors
Colors codes in palette
Codman Claret, Clear Red, Cave of the Winds, Jade Mountain, Fly the Green, US Air Force Blue, Death of a Star, Whiplash, Alpine Du color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#8c4040 | RGB(140, 64, 64) | Codman Claret | — | |
#ce261c | RGB(206, 38, 28) | Clear Red | — | |
#86736e | RGB(134, 115, 110) | Cave of the Winds | — | |
#34c2a7 | RGB(52, 194, 167) | Jade Mountain | — | |
#218d4b | RGB(33, 141, 75) | Fly the Green | — | |
#00308f | RGB(0, 48, 143) | US Air Force Blue | — | |
#e760d2 | RGB(231, 96, 210) | Death of a Star | — | |
#c74547 | RGB(199, 69, 71) | Whiplash | — | |
#40464d | RGB(64, 70, 77) | Alpine Duck Grey | — | |
#8a9381 | RGB(138, 147, 129) | Matte Sage Green | — | |
#8fbabc | RGB(143, 186, 188) | Watchet | — | |
#b29e9d | RGB(178, 158, 157) | Red Rock Panorama | — | |
#ada8a5 | RGB(173, 168, 165) | Proper Grey | — | |
#ced7c1 | RGB(206, 215, 193) | Hawthorne | — | |
#d5d8c8 | RGB(213, 216, 200) | September Song | — | |
#e2e0d6 | RGB(226, 224, 214) | Nuance | — | |
#efe5d4 | RGB(239, 229, 212) | Stone Pillar | — |
Color Palette Contrast
66 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#8c4040 | #ce261c | 1.34 |
#8c4040 | #86736e | 1.6 |
#8c4040 | #218d4b | 1.7 |
#8c4040 | #00308f | 1.6 |
#8c4040 | #c74547 | 1.49 |
#8c4040 | #40464d | 1.32 |