Created at 12/30/2024 20:24
Siam Gold, Wildflower Honey, Wax Way, Butter Base, Cocktail Green, Irradiated Green, Piccadilly Purple, Peacock Blue, Cabaret, Mil
Siam Gold
Wildflower Honey
Wax Way
Butter Base
Cocktail Green
Irradiated Green
Piccadilly Purple
Peacock Blue
Yellow Bird
Ash Blonde
Roycroft Vellum
Sunny Summit
Nice Cream
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Irradiated Green #aaff55 and Piccadilly Purple #51588e. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Siam Gold, Wildflower Honey, Wax Way, Butter Base, Cocktail Green, Irradiated Green, Piccadilly Purple, Peacock Blue, Cabaret, Mil has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #896f40, RGB: (137, 111, 64); HEX: #c69c5d, RGB: (198, 156, 93); HEX: #d3b667, RGB: (211, 182, 103)
HEX: #c28a35, RGB: (194, 138, 53); HEX: #8eb826, RGB: (142, 184, 38); HEX: #aaff55, RGB: (170, 255, 85)
HEX: #51588e, RGB: (81, 88, 142); HEX: #016795, RGB: (1, 103, 149); HEX: #cd526c, RGB: (205, 82, 108)
HEX: #595648, RGB: (89, 86, 72); HEX: #f1cd7b, RGB: (241, 205, 123); HEX: #d7bea5, RGB: (215, 190, 165)
HEX: #e8d9bd, RGB: (232, 217, 189); HEX: #e3e9cf, RGB: (227, 233, 207); HEX: #faecd1, RGB: (250, 236, 209)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Olive, Tint of burlywood, Shade of darkkhaki, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Tint of Yellowgreen, Shade of greenyellow, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of steelblue, Tint of indianred, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of navajowhite, Shade of tan, Tint of wheat, Tint of beige, Tint of papayawhip
Color scheme was created by colourlock
Colors codes in palette
Siam Gold, Wildflower Honey, Wax Way, Butter Base, Cocktail Green, Irradiated Green, Piccadilly Purple, Peacock Blue, Cabaret, Mil color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#896f40 | RGB(137, 111, 64) | Siam Gold | — | |
#c69c5d | RGB(198, 156, 93) | Wildflower Honey | — | |
#d3b667 | RGB(211, 182, 103) | Wax Way | — | |
#c28a35 | RGB(194, 138, 53) | Butter Base | — | |
#8eb826 | RGB(142, 184, 38) | Cocktail Green | — | |
#aaff55 | RGB(170, 255, 85) | Irradiated Green | — | |
#51588e | RGB(81, 88, 142) | Piccadilly Purple | — | |
#016795 | RGB(1, 103, 149) | Peacock Blue | Peacock blue | |
#cd526c | RGB(205, 82, 108) | Cabaret | — | |
#595648 | RGB(89, 86, 72) | Millbrook | — | |
#f1cd7b | RGB(241, 205, 123) | Yellow Bird | — | |
#d7bea5 | RGB(215, 190, 165) | Ash Blonde | — | |
#e8d9bd | RGB(232, 217, 189) | Roycroft Vellum | — | |
#e3e9cf | RGB(227, 233, 207) | Sunny Summit | — | |
#faecd1 | RGB(250, 236, 209) | Nice Cream | — |
Color Palette Contrast
53 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#896f40 | #c69c5d | 1.88 |
#896f40 | #c28a35 | 1.58 |
#896f40 | #51588e | 1.4 |
#896f40 | #016795 | 1.3 |
#896f40 | #cd526c | 1.13 |
#896f40 | #595648 | 1.54 |