Created at 01/01/2025 11:41

Red Gore, Welcoming Wasp, Arcadia, Frozen State, Phenomenon, Malevolent Mauve, Morning Tea, Blanched Driftwood, Light Washed Blue,

Red Gore
Welcoming Wasp
Frozen State
Malevolent Mauve
Morning Tea
Blanched Driftwood
Light Washed Blue
Violet Scent Soft Blue
Green Tilberi
Italian Sky Blue
Fresh Water
Early Blossom
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The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Italian Sky Blue #b2fcff and Early Blossom #ffe5ed. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Red Gore, Welcoming Wasp, Arcadia, Frozen State, Phenomenon, Malevolent Mauve, Morning Tea, Blanched Driftwood, Light Washed Blue, has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #ad1400, RGB: (173, 20, 0); HEX: #eeaa00, RGB: (238, 170, 0); HEX: #00a28a, RGB: (0, 162, 138)
HEX: #26f7fd, RGB: (38, 247, 253); HEX: #3e729b, RGB: (62, 114, 155); HEX: #bb6688, RGB: (187, 102, 136)
HEX: #cabd94, RGB: (202, 189, 148); HEX: #ccbeb6, RGB: (204, 190, 182); HEX: #acdce7, RGB: (172, 220, 231)
HEX: #cacacb, RGB: (202, 202, 203); HEX: #bcc6df, RGB: (188, 198, 223); HEX: #d5e0d0, RGB: (213, 224, 208)
HEX: #b2fcff, RGB: (178, 252, 255); HEX: #c6e3f7, RGB: (198, 227, 247); HEX: #dce7e5, RGB: (220, 231, 229)
HEX: #ffe5ed, RGB: (255, 229, 237)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of firebrick, Shade of goldenrod, Tint of lightseagreen, Shade of cyan, Tint of steelblue, Tint of palevioletred, Shade of tan, Shade of Silver, Tint of powderblue, Shade of Silver, Shade of lightsteelblue, Tint of honeydew, Shade of paleturquoise, Shade of lightblue, Tint of mintcream, Tint of lavenderblush
Color scheme was created by colorday

Colors codes in palette

Red Gore, Welcoming Wasp, Arcadia, Frozen State, Phenomenon, Malevolent Mauve, Morning Tea, Blanched Driftwood, Light Washed Blue, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ad1400 RGB(173, 20, 0)Red Gore
#eeaa00 RGB(238, 170, 0)Welcoming Wasp
#00a28a RGB(0, 162, 138)Arcadia
#26f7fd RGB(38, 247, 253)Frozen StateBright light blue
#3e729b RGB(62, 114, 155)Phenomenon
#bb6688 RGB(187, 102, 136)Malevolent Mauve
#cabd94 RGB(202, 189, 148)Morning Tea
#ccbeb6 RGB(204, 190, 182)Blanched Driftwood
#acdce7 RGB(172, 220, 231)Light Washed Blue
#cacacb RGB(202, 202, 203)Leadbelcher
#bcc6df RGB(188, 198, 223)Violet Scent Soft Blue
#d5e0d0 RGB(213, 224, 208)Green Tilberi
#b2fcff RGB(178, 252, 255)Italian Sky Blue
#c6e3f7 RGB(198, 227, 247)Fresh Water
#dce7e5 RGB(220, 231, 229)Starburst
#ffe5ed RGB(255, 229, 237)Early Blossom

Color Palette Contrast

77 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Red Gore, Welcoming Wasp, Arcadia, Frozen State, Phenomenon, Malevolent Mauve, Morning Tea, Blanched Driftwood, Light Washed Blue, png

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