Created at 01/01/2025 13:19
Mudstone, Gold Taffeta, Vineyard, Medieval Forest, Paradise Landscape, Satsuma Imo Red, Rouge Like, Satin Flower, Candidate, City
Gold Taffeta
Medieval Forest
Paradise Landscape
Satsuma Imo Red
Rouge Like
Satin Flower
City Street
Lime Splash
Hundred Waters
Quartz Pink
Pink Dust
Red Emulsion
Slippery Soap
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Paradise Landscape #009494 and Quartz Pink #efa6aa. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Mudstone, Gold Taffeta, Vineyard, Medieval Forest, Paradise Landscape, Satsuma Imo Red, Rouge Like, Satin Flower, Candidate, City has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #84846f, RGB: (132, 132, 111); HEX: #bb9a39, RGB: (187, 154, 57); HEX: #819e84, RGB: (129, 158, 132)
HEX: #007e6b, RGB: (0, 126, 107); HEX: #009494, RGB: (0, 148, 148); HEX: #96466a, RGB: (150, 70, 106)
HEX: #a94064, RGB: (169, 64, 100); HEX: #b48fbd, RGB: (180, 143, 189); HEX: #c3bc90, RGB: (195, 188, 144)
HEX: #bab2ab, RGB: (186, 178, 171); HEX: #cfdb8d, RGB: (207, 219, 141); HEX: #b2b7d1, RGB: (178, 183, 209)
HEX: #efa6aa, RGB: (239, 166, 170); HEX: #e4b5b2, RGB: (228, 181, 178); HEX: #e9dbde, RGB: (233, 219, 222)
HEX: #efedd8, RGB: (239, 237, 216)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Grey, Tint of goldenrod, Tint of darkseagreen, Tint of Teal, Shade of darkcyan, Shade of mediumvioletred, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of plum, Shade of darkkhaki, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of palegoldenrod, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of lightpink, Tint of lightpink, Tint of lavenderblush, Tint of beige
Color scheme was created by colorhunt
Colors codes in palette
Mudstone, Gold Taffeta, Vineyard, Medieval Forest, Paradise Landscape, Satsuma Imo Red, Rouge Like, Satin Flower, Candidate, City color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#84846f | RGB(132, 132, 111) | Mudstone | — | |
#bb9a39 | RGB(187, 154, 57) | Gold Taffeta | — | |
#819e84 | RGB(129, 158, 132) | Vineyard | — | |
#007e6b | RGB(0, 126, 107) | Medieval Forest | — | |
#009494 | RGB(0, 148, 148) | Paradise Landscape | — | |
#96466a | RGB(150, 70, 106) | Satsuma Imo Red | — | |
#a94064 | RGB(169, 64, 100) | Rouge Like | — | |
#b48fbd | RGB(180, 143, 189) | Satin Flower | — | |
#c3bc90 | RGB(195, 188, 144) | Candidate | — | |
#bab2ab | RGB(186, 178, 171) | City Street | — | |
#cfdb8d | RGB(207, 219, 141) | Lime Splash | — | |
#b2b7d1 | RGB(178, 183, 209) | Hundred Waters | — | |
#efa6aa | RGB(239, 166, 170) | Quartz Pink | — | |
#e4b5b2 | RGB(228, 181, 178) | Pink Dust | — | |
#e9dbde | RGB(233, 219, 222) | Red Emulsion | — | |
#efedd8 | RGB(239, 237, 216) | Slippery Soap | — |
Color Palette Contrast
77 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#84846f | #bb9a39 | 1.41 |
#84846f | #819e84 | 1.29 |
#84846f | #007e6b | 1.31 |
#84846f | #009494 | 1.02 |
#84846f | #96466a | 1.63 |
#84846f | #a94064 | 1.52 |