Created at 01/05/2025 17:33
Muddy Yellow, Sunflower Yellow, Lost Golfer, Skink Blue, Essential Teal, Altar of Heaven, Maiden Pink, Fuchsia Fever, Aztec, Abbot
Muddy Yellow
Sunflower Yellow
Lost Golfer
Skink Blue
Essential Teal
Altar of Heaven
Maiden Pink
Fuchsia Fever
Chestnut Red
Grape Fizz
Minstrel Rose
Pale Berries
Antique Parchment
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Essential Teal #007377 and Romantic #ffc69e. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Muddy Yellow, Sunflower Yellow, Lost Golfer, Skink Blue, Essential Teal, Altar of Heaven, Maiden Pink, Fuchsia Fever, Aztec, Abbot has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #bfac05, RGB: (191, 172, 5); HEX: #ffda03, RGB: (255, 218, 3); HEX: #74af54, RGB: (116, 175, 84)
HEX: #5cbfce, RGB: (92, 191, 206); HEX: #007377, RGB: (0, 115, 119); HEX: #4d4c80, RGB: (77, 76, 128)
HEX: #ff2feb, RGB: (255, 47, 235); HEX: #ff5599, RGB: (255, 85, 153); HEX: #293432, RGB: (41, 52, 50)
HEX: #4d3c2d, RGB: (77, 60, 45); HEX: #6c333f, RGB: (108, 51, 63); HEX: #64435f, RGB: (100, 67, 95)
HEX: #c89697, RGB: (200, 150, 151); HEX: #ffc69e, RGB: (255, 198, 158); HEX: #e2ccc7, RGB: (226, 204, 199)
HEX: #ead8c1, RGB: (234, 216, 193)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of gold, Shade of mediumseagreen, Shade of darkturquoise, Tint of Teal, Shade of darkslateblue, Shade of magenta, Tint of hotpink, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of saddlebrown, Tint of brown, Shade of Purple, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of bisque
Color scheme was created by colorscheme
Colors codes in palette
Muddy Yellow, Sunflower Yellow, Lost Golfer, Skink Blue, Essential Teal, Altar of Heaven, Maiden Pink, Fuchsia Fever, Aztec, Abbot color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#bfac05 | RGB(191, 172, 5) | Muddy Yellow | Muddy yellow | |
#ffda03 | RGB(255, 218, 3) | Sunflower Yellow | Sunflower yellow | |
#74af54 | RGB(116, 175, 84) | Lost Golfer | — | |
#5cbfce | RGB(92, 191, 206) | Skink Blue | — | |
#007377 | RGB(0, 115, 119) | Essential Teal | — | |
#4d4c80 | RGB(77, 76, 128) | Altar of Heaven | — | |
#ff2feb | RGB(255, 47, 235) | Maiden Pink | — | |
#ff5599 | RGB(255, 85, 153) | Fuchsia Fever | — | |
#293432 | RGB(41, 52, 50) | Aztec | — | |
#4d3c2d | RGB(77, 60, 45) | Abbot | — | |
#6c333f | RGB(108, 51, 63) | Chestnut Red | — | |
#64435f | RGB(100, 67, 95) | Grape Fizz | — | |
#c89697 | RGB(200, 150, 151) | Minstrel Rose | — | |
#ffc69e | RGB(255, 198, 158) | Romantic | — | |
#e2ccc7 | RGB(226, 204, 199) | Pale Berries | — | |
#ead8c1 | RGB(234, 216, 193) | Antique Parchment | — |
Color Palette Contrast
56 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#bfac05 | #ffda03 | 1.67 |
#bfac05 | #74af54 | 1.13 |
#bfac05 | #5cbfce | 1.07 |
#bfac05 | #ff2feb | 1.32 |
#bfac05 | #ff5599 | 1.3 |
#bfac05 | #c89697 | 1.1 |