Created at 01/07/2025 09:27
Beauty Queen, Tǔ Hēi Black, Wood Charcoal, Liquid Gold, Metallic Mist, Pina Colada, Fine Linen, Teewurst, Diluted Mint, Spice Ivor
Beauty Queen
Tǔ Hēi Black
Wood Charcoal
Liquid Gold
Metallic Mist
Pina Colada
Fine Linen
Diluted Mint
Spice Ivory
Sparkling Cider
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Liquid Gold #fdc675 and Sparkling Cider #fffdeb. Palette has Warm, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Beauty Queen, Tǔ Hēi Black, Wood Charcoal, Liquid Gold, Metallic Mist, Pina Colada, Fine Linen, Teewurst, Diluted Mint, Spice Ivor has combination of 12 codes colors:
HEX: #be5c87, RGB: (190, 92, 135); HEX: #574d35, RGB: (87, 77, 53); HEX: #464646, RGB: (70, 70, 70)
HEX: #fdc675, RGB: (253, 198, 117); HEX: #cdccbe, RGB: (205, 204, 190); HEX: #f4deb3, RGB: (244, 222, 179)
HEX: #faf5c3, RGB: (250, 245, 195); HEX: #f2dbd7, RGB: (242, 219, 215); HEX: #daf4ea, RGB: (218, 244, 234)
HEX: #f4eedc, RGB: (244, 238, 220); HEX: #f3f2e8, RGB: (243, 242, 232); HEX: #fffdeb, RGB: (255, 253, 235)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of palevioletred, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of burlywood, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of wheat, Tint of lemonchiffon, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of honeydew, Tint of oldlace, Tint of floralwhite, Tint of ivory
Color scheme was created by palettespicker
Colors codes in palette
Beauty Queen, Tǔ Hēi Black, Wood Charcoal, Liquid Gold, Metallic Mist, Pina Colada, Fine Linen, Teewurst, Diluted Mint, Spice Ivor color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#be5c87 | RGB(190, 92, 135) | Beauty Queen | — | |
#574d35 | RGB(87, 77, 53) | Tǔ Hēi Black | — | |
#464646 | RGB(70, 70, 70) | Wood Charcoal | — | |
#fdc675 | RGB(253, 198, 117) | Liquid Gold | — | |
#cdccbe | RGB(205, 204, 190) | Metallic Mist | — | |
#f4deb3 | RGB(244, 222, 179) | Pina Colada | — | |
#faf5c3 | RGB(250, 245, 195) | Fine Linen | — | |
#f2dbd7 | RGB(242, 219, 215) | Teewurst | — | |
#daf4ea | RGB(218, 244, 234) | Diluted Mint | — | |
#f4eedc | RGB(244, 238, 220) | Spice Ivory | — | |
#f3f2e8 | RGB(243, 242, 232) | Willowside | — | |
#fffdeb | RGB(255, 253, 235) | Sparkling Cider | — |
Color Palette Contrast
37 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#574d35 | #464646 | 1.13 |
#fdc675 | #cdccbe | 1.04 |
#fdc675 | #f4deb3 | 1.18 |
#fdc675 | #faf5c3 | 1.39 |
#fdc675 | #f2dbd7 | 1.17 |
#fdc675 | #daf4ea | 1.34 |