Created at 01/08/2025 17:53

Shēn Hóng Red, Spring Bud, DaVanzo Green, Temple Guard Blue, Identity, St. Tropez, Greeny Glaze, Midnight Moss, Bordeaux, Krieg Kh

Shēn Hóng Red
Spring Bud
DaVanzo Green
Temple Guard Blue
St. Tropez
Greeny Glaze
Midnight Moss
Krieg Khaki
Jewel Caterpillar
Sunday Afternoon
Cherry Foam
Cider Yellow
Summer Breeze
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The palette consists of Dark, Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Spring Bud #a7fc00 and Jewel Caterpillar #d374d5. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Shēn Hóng Red, Spring Bud, DaVanzo Green, Temple Guard Blue, Identity, St. Tropez, Greeny Glaze, Midnight Moss, Bordeaux, Krieg Kh has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #be0620, RGB: (190, 6, 32); HEX: #a7fc00, RGB: (167, 252, 0); HEX: #58936d, RGB: (88, 147, 109)
HEX: #339a8d, RGB: (51, 154, 141); HEX: #7890ac, RGB: (120, 144, 172); HEX: #325482, RGB: (50, 84, 130)
HEX: #067376, RGB: (6, 115, 118); HEX: #242e28, RGB: (36, 46, 40); HEX: #7b002c, RGB: (123, 0, 44)
HEX: #c0bd81, RGB: (192, 189, 129); HEX: #d374d5, RGB: (211, 116, 213); HEX: #f6c778, RGB: (246, 199, 120)
HEX: #e9e89b, RGB: (233, 232, 155); HEX: #f392a0, RGB: (243, 146, 160); HEX: #e7d6af, RGB: (231, 214, 175)
HEX: #f4e5b7, RGB: (244, 229, 183); HEX: #d3e5db, RGB: (211, 229, 219)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of firebrick, Tint of greenyellow, Shade of seashell, Shade of darkcyan, Shade of lightslategrey, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of Teal, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of Maroon, Shade of darkkhaki, Shade of orchid, Shade of burlywood, Shade of Khaki, Shade of lightcoral, Tint of wheat, Tint of moccasin, Tint of honeydew
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

Shēn Hóng Red, Spring Bud, DaVanzo Green, Temple Guard Blue, Identity, St. Tropez, Greeny Glaze, Midnight Moss, Bordeaux, Krieg Kh color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#be0620 RGB(190, 6, 32)Shēn Hóng Red
#a7fc00 RGB(167, 252, 0)Spring Bud
#58936d RGB(88, 147, 109)DaVanzo Green
#339a8d RGB(51, 154, 141)Temple Guard Blue
#7890ac RGB(120, 144, 172)Identity
#325482 RGB(50, 84, 130)St. Tropez
#067376 RGB(6, 115, 118)Greeny Glaze
#242e28 RGB(36, 46, 40)Midnight Moss
#7b002c RGB(123, 0, 44)Bordeaux
#c0bd81 RGB(192, 189, 129)Krieg Khaki
#d374d5 RGB(211, 116, 213)Jewel Caterpillar
#f6c778 RGB(246, 199, 120)Sunday Afternoon
#e9e89b RGB(233, 232, 155)Citrino
#f392a0 RGB(243, 146, 160)Cherry Foam
#e7d6af RGB(231, 214, 175)Cider Yellow
#f4e5b7 RGB(244, 229, 183)Martica
#d3e5db RGB(211, 229, 219)Summer Breeze

Color Palette Contrast

58 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Shēn Hóng Red, Spring Bud, DaVanzo Green, Temple Guard Blue, Identity, St. Tropez, Greeny Glaze, Midnight Moss, Bordeaux, Krieg Kh png

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