Created at 01/11/2025 19:43

Camo Green, Copper-Metal Red, River of Gold, Petrol Green, Fountain Blue, Fiery Rose, California Sagebrush, Satin Flower, Fondue,

Camo Green
Copper-Metal Red
River of Gold
Petrol Green
Fountain Blue
Fiery Rose
California Sagebrush
Satin Flower
Fabulous Forties
Fisherman Knit
Across the Bay
Luxor Blue
Morning Sunlight
Classic Chalk
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The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Fiery Rose #ff5470 and Across the Bay #b3e1e8. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Camo Green, Copper-Metal Red, River of Gold, Petrol Green, Fountain Blue, Fiery Rose, California Sagebrush, Satin Flower, Fondue, has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #a5a542, RGB: (165, 165, 66); HEX: #ad6342, RGB: (173, 99, 66); HEX: #e4b55d, RGB: (228, 181, 93)
HEX: #549b8c, RGB: (84, 155, 140); HEX: #65adb2, RGB: (101, 173, 178); HEX: #ff5470, RGB: (255, 84, 112)
HEX: #959988, RGB: (149, 153, 136); HEX: #b48fbd, RGB: (180, 143, 189); HEX: #c99f97, RGB: (201, 159, 151)
HEX: #ddcdab, RGB: (221, 205, 171); HEX: #d1c9be, RGB: (209, 201, 190); HEX: #b3e1e8, RGB: (179, 225, 232)
HEX: #bde9e5, RGB: (189, 233, 229); HEX: #fdefcc, RGB: (253, 239, 204); HEX: #f4f4f0, RGB: (244, 244, 240)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of sienna, Shade of goldenrod, Tint of cadetblue, Shade of cadetblue, Tint of lightcoral, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of plum, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of wheat, Shade of Silver, Shade of powderblue, Shade of paleturquoise, Tint of papayawhip, Tint of whitesmoke
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Camo Green, Copper-Metal Red, River of Gold, Petrol Green, Fountain Blue, Fiery Rose, California Sagebrush, Satin Flower, Fondue, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#a5a542 RGB(165, 165, 66)Camo Green
#ad6342 RGB(173, 99, 66)Copper-Metal Red
#e4b55d RGB(228, 181, 93)River of Gold
#549b8c RGB(84, 155, 140)Petrol Green
#65adb2 RGB(101, 173, 178)Fountain Blue
#ff5470 RGB(255, 84, 112)Fiery Rose
#959988 RGB(149, 153, 136)California Sagebrush
#b48fbd RGB(180, 143, 189)Satin Flower
#c99f97 RGB(201, 159, 151)Fondue
#ddcdab RGB(221, 205, 171)Fabulous Forties
#d1c9be RGB(209, 201, 190)Fisherman Knit
#b3e1e8 RGB(179, 225, 232)Across the Bay
#bde9e5 RGB(189, 233, 229)Luxor Blue
#fdefcc RGB(253, 239, 204)Morning Sunlight
#f4f4f0 RGB(244, 244, 240)Classic Chalk

Color Palette Contrast

76 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Camo Green, Copper-Metal Red, River of Gold, Petrol Green, Fountain Blue, Fiery Rose, California Sagebrush, Satin Flower, Fondue, png

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