Created at 01/13/2025 14:28
Rococo Gold, Juicy Jackfruit, Pickled Pineapple, Jadeite, Bruise, Raspberry Pudding, Eye Popping Cherry, Duffel Bag, Pure Midnight
Rococo Gold
Juicy Jackfruit
Pickled Pineapple
Raspberry Pudding
Eye Popping Cherry
Duffel Bag
Pure Midnight
Dark Navy
Apple II Beige
Pistachio Tang
Lunar Lite
Salt Mountain
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Pickled Pineapple #eeff33 and Pure Midnight #112266. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Rococo Gold, Juicy Jackfruit, Pickled Pineapple, Jadeite, Bruise, Raspberry Pudding, Eye Popping Cherry, Duffel Bag, Pure Midnight has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #977447, RGB: (151, 116, 71); HEX: #eedd33, RGB: (238, 221, 51); HEX: #eeff33, RGB: (238, 255, 51)
HEX: #38c6a1, RGB: (56, 198, 161); HEX: #7e4071, RGB: (126, 64, 113); HEX: #94435a, RGB: (148, 67, 90)
HEX: #bb0077, RGB: (187, 0, 119); HEX: #394034, RGB: (57, 64, 52); HEX: #112266, RGB: (17, 34, 102)
HEX: #545a3e, RGB: (84, 90, 62); HEX: #40495b, RGB: (64, 73, 91); HEX: #bfca87, RGB: (191, 202, 135)
HEX: #d7d2b8, RGB: (215, 210, 184); HEX: #e0ddd8, RGB: (224, 221, 216); HEX: #d7fefe, RGB: (215, 254, 254)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of darkgoldenrod, Shade of gold, Shade of Yellow, Tint of mediumaquamarine, Shade of Purple, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of mediumvioletred, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of midnightblue, Tint of darkolivegreen, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of darkkhaki, Tint of beige, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of lightcyan
Color scheme was created by hex
Colors codes in palette
Rococo Gold, Juicy Jackfruit, Pickled Pineapple, Jadeite, Bruise, Raspberry Pudding, Eye Popping Cherry, Duffel Bag, Pure Midnight color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#977447 | RGB(151, 116, 71) | Rococo Gold | — | |
#eedd33 | RGB(238, 221, 51) | Juicy Jackfruit | — | |
#eeff33 | RGB(238, 255, 51) | Pickled Pineapple | — | |
#38c6a1 | RGB(56, 198, 161) | Jadeite | — | |
#7e4071 | RGB(126, 64, 113) | Bruise | — | |
#94435a | RGB(148, 67, 90) | Raspberry Pudding | — | |
#bb0077 | RGB(187, 0, 119) | Eye Popping Cherry | — | |
#394034 | RGB(57, 64, 52) | Duffel Bag | — | |
#112266 | RGB(17, 34, 102) | Pure Midnight | — | |
#545a3e | RGB(84, 90, 62) | Cypress | — | |
#40495b | RGB(64, 73, 91) | Dark Navy | — | |
#bfca87 | RGB(191, 202, 135) | Apple II Beige | — | |
#d7d2b8 | RGB(215, 210, 184) | Pistachio Tang | — | |
#e0ddd8 | RGB(224, 221, 216) | Lunar Lite | — | |
#d7fefe | RGB(215, 254, 254) | Salt Mountain | — |
Color Palette Contrast
44 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#977447 | #38c6a1 | 1.98 |
#977447 | #7e4071 | 1.71 |
#977447 | #94435a | 1.52 |
#977447 | #bb0077 | 1.45 |
#977447 | #545a3e | 1.68 |
#eedd33 | #eeff33 | 1.26 |