Created at 01/13/2025 14:32
Salsa Picante, Mango Brown, Pueblo Rose, Hashita Purple, Deep Well, Antique Brown, Even Growth, Abbey Road, Jardin De Hierbas, Mis
Salsa Picante
Mango Brown
Pueblo Rose
Hashita Purple
Deep Well
Antique Brown
Even Growth
Abbey Road
Jardin De Hierbas
Mist Green
Soft Moss
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Salsa Picante #ab250b and CO₂ #cadfec. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Salsa Picante, Mango Brown, Pueblo Rose, Hashita Purple, Deep Well, Antique Brown, Even Growth, Abbey Road, Jardin De Hierbas, Mis has combination of 13 codes colors:
HEX: #ab250b, RGB: (171, 37, 11); HEX: #bb8434, RGB: (187, 132, 52); HEX: #e9786e, RGB: (233, 120, 110)
HEX: #8d608c, RGB: (141, 96, 140); HEX: #2c2a33, RGB: (44, 42, 51); HEX: #553f2d, RGB: (85, 63, 45)
HEX: #b2aa7a, RGB: (178, 170, 122); HEX: #a79f92, RGB: (167, 159, 146); HEX: #c6caa7, RGB: (198, 202, 167)
HEX: #aacebc, RGB: (170, 206, 188); HEX: #c4d1c2, RGB: (196, 209, 194); HEX: #cce1c7, RGB: (204, 225, 199)
HEX: #cadfec, RGB: (202, 223, 236)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of firebrick, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Tint of salmon, Tint of mediumorchid, Shade of Black, Tint of saddlebrown, Tint of darkkhaki, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of palegoldenrod, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of honeydew, Shade of lightblue
Color scheme was created by raccoon
Colors codes in palette
Salsa Picante, Mango Brown, Pueblo Rose, Hashita Purple, Deep Well, Antique Brown, Even Growth, Abbey Road, Jardin De Hierbas, Mis color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#ab250b | RGB(171, 37, 11) | Salsa Picante | — | |
#bb8434 | RGB(187, 132, 52) | Mango Brown | — | |
#e9786e | RGB(233, 120, 110) | Pueblo Rose | — | |
#8d608c | RGB(141, 96, 140) | Hashita Purple | — | |
#2c2a33 | RGB(44, 42, 51) | Deep Well | — | |
#553f2d | RGB(85, 63, 45) | Antique Brown | — | |
#b2aa7a | RGB(178, 170, 122) | Even Growth | — | |
#a79f92 | RGB(167, 159, 146) | Abbey Road | — | |
#c6caa7 | RGB(198, 202, 167) | Jardin De Hierbas | — | |
#aacebc | RGB(170, 206, 188) | Mist Green | — | |
#c4d1c2 | RGB(196, 209, 194) | Dewkist | — | |
#cce1c7 | RGB(204, 225, 199) | Soft Moss | — | |
#cadfec | RGB(202, 223, 236) | CO₂ | — |
Color Palette Contrast
38 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#ab250b | #8d608c | 1.39 |
#ab250b | #553f2d | 1.4 |
#bb8434 | #e9786e | 1.14 |
#bb8434 | #8d608c | 1.54 |
#bb8434 | #b2aa7a | 1.38 |
#bb8434 | #a79f92 | 1.24 |