Created at 01/13/2025 21:37

Less Brown, Olive Oil, Eastlake Gold, Mantella Frog, Aqua Experience, Nightly Blade, Deep Turquoise, Bella Pink, River Styx, Camou

Less Brown
Olive Oil
Eastlake Gold
Mantella Frog
Aqua Experience
Nightly Blade
Deep Turquoise
Bella Pink
River Styx
Camouflage Green
Coffee Brick
Lite Mocha
Pink Makeup
Posture & Pose
Pastel Blue
Cream Clear
Marble White
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The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Mantella Frog #ffbc02 and Deep Turquoise #01b0bd. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Less Brown, Olive Oil, Eastlake Gold, Mantella Frog, Aqua Experience, Nightly Blade, Deep Turquoise, Bella Pink, River Styx, Camou has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #756761, RGB: (117, 103, 97); HEX: #bab86c, RGB: (186, 184, 108); HEX: #c28e61, RGB: (194, 142, 97)
HEX: #ffbc02, RGB: (255, 188, 2); HEX: #038e85, RGB: (3, 142, 133); HEX: #5a7d9a, RGB: (90, 125, 154)
HEX: #01b0bd, RGB: (1, 176, 189); HEX: #e08194, RGB: (224, 129, 148); HEX: #161820, RGB: (22, 24, 32)
HEX: #4b6113, RGB: (75, 97, 19); HEX: #6f0c0d, RGB: (111, 12, 13); HEX: #b99d91, RGB: (185, 157, 145)
HEX: #fc80a5, RGB: (252, 128, 165); HEX: #c7c4cd, RGB: (199, 196, 205); HEX: #a2bffe, RGB: (162, 191, 254)
HEX: #f1f3da, RGB: (241, 243, 218); HEX: #f2f0e6, RGB: (242, 240, 230)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of peru, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of darkcyan, Shade of steelblue, Tint of lightseagreen, Shade of palevioletred, Shade of Black, Tint of darkolivegreen, Shade of Maroon, Shade of rosybrown, Shade of palevioletred, Shade of Silver, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of beige, Tint of floralwhite
Color scheme was created by bad_colors

Colors codes in palette

Less Brown, Olive Oil, Eastlake Gold, Mantella Frog, Aqua Experience, Nightly Blade, Deep Turquoise, Bella Pink, River Styx, Camou color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#756761 RGB(117, 103, 97)Less Brown
#bab86c RGB(186, 184, 108)Olive OilOlive Green
#c28e61 RGB(194, 142, 97)Eastlake Gold
#ffbc02 RGB(255, 188, 2)Mantella Frog
#038e85 RGB(3, 142, 133)Aqua Experience
#5a7d9a RGB(90, 125, 154)Nightly BladeSteel blue
#01b0bd RGB(1, 176, 189)Deep Turquoise
#e08194 RGB(224, 129, 148)Bella Pink
#161820 RGB(22, 24, 32)River Styx
#4b6113 RGB(75, 97, 19)Camouflage GreenCamouflage green
#6f0c0d RGB(111, 12, 13)Coffee Brick
#b99d91 RGB(185, 157, 145)Lite Mocha
#fc80a5 RGB(252, 128, 165)Pink Makeup
#c7c4cd RGB(199, 196, 205)Posture & Pose
#a2bffe RGB(162, 191, 254)Pastel BluePastel blue
#f1f3da RGB(241, 243, 218)Cream Clear
#f2f0e6 RGB(242, 240, 230)Marble White

Color Palette Contrast

66 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Less Brown, Olive Oil, Eastlake Gold, Mantella Frog, Aqua Experience, Nightly Blade, Deep Turquoise, Bella Pink, River Styx, Camou png

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