Created at 01/14/2025 05:02
Melancholic Macaw, Flood Mud, Texas Ranger Brown, Fading Ember, Half-Smoke, Magma, Dancing Daisy, Northampton Trees, Playing Hooky
Melancholic Macaw
Flood Mud
Texas Ranger Brown
Fading Ember
Dancing Daisy
Northampton Trees
Playing Hooky
Sweet Molasses
Classic Ivory
Coastal Mist
Lady Pink
Salt Box
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Magma #ff4e01 and Coastal Mist #d2e8ec. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Melancholic Macaw, Flood Mud, Texas Ranger Brown, Fading Ember, Half-Smoke, Magma, Dancing Daisy, Northampton Trees, Playing Hooky has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #aa1133, RGB: (170, 17, 51); HEX: #877966, RGB: (135, 121, 102); HEX: #a0522d, RGB: (160, 82, 45)
HEX: #df691e, RGB: (223, 105, 30); HEX: #ee8855, RGB: (238, 136, 85); HEX: #ff4e01, RGB: (255, 78, 1)
HEX: #efc857, RGB: (239, 200, 87); HEX: #767962, RGB: (118, 121, 98); HEX: #8b8c6b, RGB: (139, 140, 107)
HEX: #74918e, RGB: (116, 145, 142); HEX: #8b5e8f, RGB: (139, 94, 143); HEX: #4b423f, RGB: (75, 66, 63)
HEX: #b8c0c3, RGB: (184, 192, 195); HEX: #f2e0c3, RGB: (242, 224, 195); HEX: #d2e8ec, RGB: (210, 232, 236)
HEX: #f3d2cf, RGB: (243, 210, 207); HEX: #f5e9d9, RGB: (245, 233, 217)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of brown, Tint of Grey, sienna, Shade of chocolate, Shade of coral, Shade of orangered, Tint of gold, Tint of Grey, Shade of Grey, Tint of cadetblue, Tint of mediumorchid, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of Silver, Tint of blanchedalmond, Tint of azure, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of antiquewhite
Color scheme was created by colorslib
Colors codes in palette
Melancholic Macaw, Flood Mud, Texas Ranger Brown, Fading Ember, Half-Smoke, Magma, Dancing Daisy, Northampton Trees, Playing Hooky color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#aa1133 | RGB(170, 17, 51) | Melancholic Macaw | — | |
#877966 | RGB(135, 121, 102) | Flood Mud | — | |
#a0522d | RGB(160, 82, 45) | Texas Ranger Brown | Sienna | |
#df691e | RGB(223, 105, 30) | Fading Ember | — | |
#ee8855 | RGB(238, 136, 85) | Half-Smoke | — | |
#ff4e01 | RGB(255, 78, 1) | Magma | — | |
#efc857 | RGB(239, 200, 87) | Dancing Daisy | — | |
#767962 | RGB(118, 121, 98) | Northampton Trees | — | |
#8b8c6b | RGB(139, 140, 107) | Playing Hooky | — | |
#74918e | RGB(116, 145, 142) | Juniper | — | |
#8b5e8f | RGB(139, 94, 143) | Chakra | — | |
#4b423f | RGB(75, 66, 63) | Sweet Molasses | — | |
#b8c0c3 | RGB(184, 192, 195) | Krypton | — | |
#f2e0c3 | RGB(242, 224, 195) | Classic Ivory | — | |
#d2e8ec | RGB(210, 232, 236) | Coastal Mist | — | |
#f3d2cf | RGB(243, 210, 207) | Lady Pink | — | |
#f5e9d9 | RGB(245, 233, 217) | Salt Box | — |
Color Palette Contrast
65 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#aa1133 | #877966 | 1.74 |
#aa1133 | #a0522d | 1.31 |
#aa1133 | #767962 | 1.65 |
#aa1133 | #8b5e8f | 1.44 |
#aa1133 | #4b423f | 1.31 |
#877966 | #a0522d | 1.32 |