Created at 01/15/2025 11:10

Soft Bark, Chamois Leather, Fire Ant, Formal Affair, Red Violet, El Paso, Dark Mahogany, Plate Mail Metal, Herbal Wash, Art Nouvea

Soft Bark
Chamois Leather
Fire Ant
Formal Affair
Red Violet
El Paso
Dark Mahogany
Plate Mail Metal
Herbal Wash
Art Nouveau Glass
Garden Spot
Mauve Wisp
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The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Fire Ant #be6400 and Formal Affair #848391. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Soft Bark, Chamois Leather, Fire Ant, Formal Affair, Red Violet, El Paso, Dark Mahogany, Plate Mail Metal, Herbal Wash, Art Nouvea has combination of 12 codes colors:
HEX: #897670, RGB: (137, 118, 112); HEX: #ad8867, RGB: (173, 136, 103); HEX: #be6400, RGB: (190, 100, 0)
HEX: #848391, RGB: (132, 131, 145); HEX: #9e0168, RGB: (158, 1, 104); HEX: #39392c, RGB: (57, 57, 44)
HEX: #482029, RGB: (72, 32, 41); HEX: #8c8589, RGB: (140, 133, 137); HEX: #a49b82, RGB: (164, 155, 130)
HEX: #a29aa0, RGB: (162, 154, 160); HEX: #b1ca95, RGB: (177, 202, 149); HEX: #eadde1, RGB: (234, 221, 225)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Grey, Tint of peru, Tint of chocolate, Shade of Grey, Tint of mediumvioletred, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of Maroon, Shade of Grey, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of lavenderblush
Color scheme was created by bad_colors

Colors codes in palette

Soft Bark, Chamois Leather, Fire Ant, Formal Affair, Red Violet, El Paso, Dark Mahogany, Plate Mail Metal, Herbal Wash, Art Nouvea color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#897670 RGB(137, 118, 112)Soft Bark
#ad8867 RGB(173, 136, 103)Chamois Leather
#be6400 RGB(190, 100, 0)Fire AntOrange brown
#848391 RGB(132, 131, 145)Formal Affair
#9e0168 RGB(158, 1, 104)Red VioletRed violet
#39392c RGB(57, 57, 44)El Paso
#482029 RGB(72, 32, 41)Dark Mahogany
#8c8589 RGB(140, 133, 137)Plate Mail Metal
#a49b82 RGB(164, 155, 130)Herbal Wash
#a29aa0 RGB(162, 154, 160)Art Nouveau Glass
#b1ca95 RGB(177, 202, 149)Garden Spot
#eadde1 RGB(234, 221, 225)Mauve Wisp

Color Palette Contrast

30 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Soft Bark, Chamois Leather, Fire Ant, Formal Affair, Red Violet, El Paso, Dark Mahogany, Plate Mail Metal, Herbal Wash, Art Nouvea png

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