Created at 01/18/2025 17:32

Wild Ginseng, Ranger Station, Islamic Green, Blue Ribbon, Mineral Brown, Midnight Serenade, Stamped Concrete, Sanderling, Birdseye

Wild Ginseng
Ranger Station
Islamic Green
Blue Ribbon
Mineral Brown
Midnight Serenade
Stamped Concrete
Birdseye Maple
Plushy Pink
Merry Music
Vaguely Violet
Delightful Peach
Foamy Milk
Cloud Break
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Blue Ribbon #0066ff and Delightful Peach #ffebd1. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Wild Ginseng, Ranger Station, Islamic Green, Blue Ribbon, Mineral Brown, Midnight Serenade, Stamped Concrete, Sanderling, Birdseye has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #80805d, RGB: (128, 128, 93); HEX: #707651, RGB: (112, 118, 81); HEX: #009900, RGB: (0, 153, 0)
HEX: #0066ff, RGB: (0, 102, 255); HEX: #4d3f33, RGB: (77, 63, 51); HEX: #41434e, RGB: (65, 67, 78)
HEX: #a0a09a, RGB: (160, 160, 154); HEX: #c8ab96, RGB: (200, 171, 150); HEX: #e4c495, RGB: (228, 196, 149)
HEX: #d4c5ba, RGB: (212, 197, 186); HEX: #eab7a8, RGB: (234, 183, 168); HEX: #ced3c1, RGB: (206, 211, 193)
HEX: #dbe1ef, RGB: (219, 225, 239); HEX: #f5ddd8, RGB: (245, 221, 216); HEX: #ffebd1, RGB: (255, 235, 209)
HEX: #f7f4f7, RGB: (247, 244, 247); HEX: #f6f1fe, RGB: (246, 241, 254)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkolivegreen, Shade of darkolivegreen, Tint of forestgreen, Tint of royalblue, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of tan, Shade of burlywood, Shade of Silver, Shade of darksalmon, Tint of beige, Tint of lavender, Tint of mistyrose, Shade of blanchedalmond, Tint of snow, Shade of lavender
Color scheme was created by colorscheme

Colors codes in palette

Wild Ginseng, Ranger Station, Islamic Green, Blue Ribbon, Mineral Brown, Midnight Serenade, Stamped Concrete, Sanderling, Birdseye color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#80805d RGB(128, 128, 93)Wild Ginseng
#707651 RGB(112, 118, 81)Ranger Station
#009900 RGB(0, 153, 0)Islamic Green
#0066ff RGB(0, 102, 255)Blue Ribbon
#4d3f33 RGB(77, 63, 51)Mineral Brown
#41434e RGB(65, 67, 78)Midnight Serenade
#a0a09a RGB(160, 160, 154)Stamped Concrete
#c8ab96 RGB(200, 171, 150)Sanderling
#e4c495 RGB(228, 196, 149)Birdseye Maple
#d4c5ba RGB(212, 197, 186)Christobel
#eab7a8 RGB(234, 183, 168)Plushy Pink
#ced3c1 RGB(206, 211, 193)Merry Music
#dbe1ef RGB(219, 225, 239)Vaguely Violet
#f5ddd8 RGB(245, 221, 216)Pancakes
#ffebd1 RGB(255, 235, 209)Delightful Peach
#f7f4f7 RGB(247, 244, 247)Foamy Milk
#f6f1fe RGB(246, 241, 254)Cloud Break

Color Palette Contrast

63 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Wild Ginseng, Ranger Station, Islamic Green, Blue Ribbon, Mineral Brown, Midnight Serenade, Stamped Concrete, Sanderling, Birdseye png

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