Created at 01/20/2025 20:39

Meerkat, Birch Strain, Hot Mustard, Macau, Tomato Puree, Medium Pink, Blackheath, Red Dahlia, Mauve Brown, Thought, Shoji White pa

Birch Strain
Hot Mustard
Tomato Puree
Medium Pink
Red Dahlia
Mauve Brown
Shoji White
Soft Cloud
Cinderella Pink
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Macau #46c299 and Cinderella Pink #ffc6c4. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Meerkat, Birch Strain, Hot Mustard, Macau, Tomato Puree, Medium Pink, Blackheath, Red Dahlia, Mauve Brown, Thought, Shoji White pa has combination of 13 codes colors:
HEX: #a46f44, RGB: (164, 111, 68); HEX: #dfb45f, RGB: (223, 180, 95); HEX: #735c12, RGB: (115, 92, 18)
HEX: #46c299, RGB: (70, 194, 153); HEX: #c53346, RGB: (197, 51, 70); HEX: #f36196, RGB: (243, 97, 150)
HEX: #49454b, RGB: (73, 69, 75); HEX: #7d2027, RGB: (125, 32, 39); HEX: #62595f, RGB: (98, 89, 95)
HEX: #d8cdc8, RGB: (216, 205, 200); HEX: #e6dfd3, RGB: (230, 223, 211); HEX: #d0e3ed, RGB: (208, 227, 237)
HEX: #ffc6c4, RGB: (255, 198, 196)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of sienna, Shade of goldenrod, Tint of Olive, Tint of mediumaquamarine, Shade of crimson, Tint of palevioletred, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of Maroon, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of linen, Tint of aliceblue, Shade of Pink
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

Meerkat, Birch Strain, Hot Mustard, Macau, Tomato Puree, Medium Pink, Blackheath, Red Dahlia, Mauve Brown, Thought, Shoji White pa color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#a46f44 RGB(164, 111, 68)Meerkat
#dfb45f RGB(223, 180, 95)Birch Strain
#735c12 RGB(115, 92, 18)Hot MustardMud
#46c299 RGB(70, 194, 153)Macau
#c53346 RGB(197, 51, 70)Tomato Puree
#f36196 RGB(243, 97, 150)Medium PinkMedium pink
#49454b RGB(73, 69, 75)Blackheath
#7d2027 RGB(125, 32, 39)Red Dahlia
#62595f RGB(98, 89, 95)Mauve Brown
#d8cdc8 RGB(216, 205, 200)Thought
#e6dfd3 RGB(230, 223, 211)Shoji White
#d0e3ed RGB(208, 227, 237)Soft Cloud
#ffc6c4 RGB(255, 198, 196)Cinderella Pink

Color Palette Contrast

34 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Meerkat, Birch Strain, Hot Mustard, Macau, Tomato Puree, Medium Pink, Blackheath, Red Dahlia, Mauve Brown, Thought, Shoji White pa png

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