Created at 01/23/2025 07:48

Pea Soup Green, Smaragdine, Curious Blue, Concord Grape, UP Forest Green, Winter Solstice, Deep Sea Shadow, Paper Sack, Silver Lea

Pea Soup Green
Curious Blue
Concord Grape
UP Forest Green
Winter Solstice
Deep Sea Shadow
Paper Sack
Silver Leaf
Medium Spring Bud
Tiffany Rose
Dunnock Egg
Aspen Snow
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors UP Forest Green #014431 and Skeleton #ebdecc. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Pea Soup Green, Smaragdine, Curious Blue, Concord Grape, UP Forest Green, Winter Solstice, Deep Sea Shadow, Paper Sack, Silver Lea has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #94a617, RGB: (148, 166, 23); HEX: #4a9976, RGB: (74, 153, 118); HEX: #3d85b8, RGB: (61, 133, 184)
HEX: #7c5379, RGB: (124, 83, 121); HEX: #014431, RGB: (1, 68, 49); HEX: #49545c, RGB: (73, 84, 92)
HEX: #4f5a4c, RGB: (79, 90, 76); HEX: #b4a07a, RGB: (180, 160, 122); HEX: #9db7a5, RGB: (157, 183, 165)
HEX: #c9dc87, RGB: (201, 220, 135); HEX: #d2a694, RGB: (210, 166, 148); HEX: #c7e2c6, RGB: (199, 226, 198)
HEX: #ebdecc, RGB: (235, 222, 204); HEX: #d9ece6, RGB: (217, 236, 230); HEX: #f0f0e7, RGB: (240, 240, 231)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of olivedrab, Shade of seashell, Tint of steelblue, Shade of darkmagenta, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of tan, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of Khaki, Shade of darksalmon, Tint of honeydew, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of mintcream, Tint of floralwhite
Color scheme was created by coolor

Colors codes in palette

Pea Soup Green, Smaragdine, Curious Blue, Concord Grape, UP Forest Green, Winter Solstice, Deep Sea Shadow, Paper Sack, Silver Lea color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#94a617 RGB(148, 166, 23)Pea Soup GreenPea soup green
#4a9976 RGB(74, 153, 118)Smaragdine
#3d85b8 RGB(61, 133, 184)Curious Blue
#7c5379 RGB(124, 83, 121)Concord Grape
#014431 RGB(1, 68, 49)UP Forest Green
#49545c RGB(73, 84, 92)Winter Solstice
#4f5a4c RGB(79, 90, 76)Deep Sea Shadow
#b4a07a RGB(180, 160, 122)Paper Sack
#9db7a5 RGB(157, 183, 165)Silver Leaf
#c9dc87 RGB(201, 220, 135)Medium Spring Bud
#d2a694 RGB(210, 166, 148)Tiffany Rose
#c7e2c6 RGB(199, 226, 198)Chayote
#ebdecc RGB(235, 222, 204)Skeleton
#d9ece6 RGB(217, 236, 230)Dunnock Egg
#f0f0e7 RGB(240, 240, 231)Aspen Snow

Color Palette Contrast

50 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Pea Soup Green, Smaragdine, Curious Blue, Concord Grape, UP Forest Green, Winter Solstice, Deep Sea Shadow, Paper Sack, Silver Lea png

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