Created at 01/23/2025 18:38

Iron Ore, Bright Halo, Lime Lizard, Moping Green, Sycamore Grove, Blue Martina, Existential Angst, Humboldt Redwoods, Pickled Cape

Iron Ore
Bright Halo
Lime Lizard
Moping Green
Sycamore Grove
Blue Martina
Existential Angst
Humboldt Redwoods
Pickled Capers
Lively Light
Soft Chamois
Silver Cross
Varnished Ivory
Full Cream
November Pink
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The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Bright Halo #ffd266 and Blue Martina #1fcecb. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Iron Ore, Bright Halo, Lime Lizard, Moping Green, Sycamore Grove, Blue Martina, Existential Angst, Humboldt Redwoods, Pickled Cape has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #af5b46, RGB: (175, 91, 70); HEX: #ffd266, RGB: (255, 210, 102); HEX: #abd35d, RGB: (171, 211, 93)
HEX: #00ee33, RGB: (0, 238, 51); HEX: #6a8779, RGB: (106, 135, 121); HEX: #1fcecb, RGB: (31, 206, 203)
HEX: #0a0a0a, RGB: (10, 10, 10); HEX: #1f6357, RGB: (31, 99, 87); HEX: #695e4b, RGB: (105, 94, 75)
HEX: #a18899, RGB: (161, 136, 153); HEX: #dbb67a, RGB: (219, 182, 122); HEX: #cdc5c2, RGB: (205, 197, 194)
HEX: #e6dccc, RGB: (230, 220, 204); HEX: #fae4ce, RGB: (250, 228, 206); HEX: #ede6e8, RGB: (237, 230, 232)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of sienna, Shade of gold, Shade of Yellowgreen, Tint of Lime, Tint of cadetblue, Tint of mediumturquoise, Shade of Black, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of burlywood, Shade of Silver, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of lavenderblush
Color scheme was created by colorhunt

Colors codes in palette

Iron Ore, Bright Halo, Lime Lizard, Moping Green, Sycamore Grove, Blue Martina, Existential Angst, Humboldt Redwoods, Pickled Cape color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#af5b46 RGB(175, 91, 70)Iron Ore
#ffd266 RGB(255, 210, 102)Bright Halo
#abd35d RGB(171, 211, 93)Lime Lizard
#00ee33 RGB(0, 238, 51)Moping Green
#6a8779 RGB(106, 135, 121)Sycamore Grove
#1fcecb RGB(31, 206, 203)Blue MartinaRobin Egg Blue
#0a0a0a RGB(10, 10, 10)Existential AngstGray4
#1f6357 RGB(31, 99, 87)Humboldt RedwoodsDark green blue
#695e4b RGB(105, 94, 75)Pickled Capers
#a18899 RGB(161, 136, 153)Lively Light
#dbb67a RGB(219, 182, 122)Soft Chamois
#cdc5c2 RGB(205, 197, 194)Silver CrossSilver
#e6dccc RGB(230, 220, 204)Varnished Ivory
#fae4ce RGB(250, 228, 206)Full Cream
#ede6e8 RGB(237, 230, 232)November Pink

Color Palette Contrast

49 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Iron Ore, Bright Halo, Lime Lizard, Moping Green, Sycamore Grove, Blue Martina, Existential Angst, Humboldt Redwoods, Pickled Cape png

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