Created at 01/23/2025 20:13
Cherry Cola, Banana Peel, Flag Green, Fright Night, Aristocratic Velvet, Vivid Raspberry, Smoked Claret, Strong Envy, Iceberg Gree
Cherry Cola
Banana Peel
Flag Green
Fright Night
Aristocratic Velvet
Vivid Raspberry
Smoked Claret
Strong Envy
Iceberg Green
Gabriel's Light
Ice Grey
Misty Dawn
My Sweetheart
Mint Condition
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Banana Peel #ffe774 and Fright Night #004499. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Cherry Cola, Banana Peel, Flag Green, Fright Night, Aristocratic Velvet, Vivid Raspberry, Smoked Claret, Strong Envy, Iceberg Gree has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #894c3b, RGB: (137, 76, 59); HEX: #ffe774, RGB: (255, 231, 116); HEX: #717c00, RGB: (113, 124, 0)
HEX: #004499, RGB: (0, 68, 153); HEX: #980b4a, RGB: (152, 11, 74); HEX: #ff006c, RGB: (255, 0, 108)
HEX: #583a39, RGB: (88, 58, 57); HEX: #782e2c, RGB: (120, 46, 44); HEX: #8c9c92, RGB: (140, 156, 146)
HEX: #cbbfad, RGB: (203, 191, 173); HEX: #dacca8, RGB: (218, 204, 168); HEX: #cac7c4, RGB: (202, 199, 196)
HEX: #ddc4d4, RGB: (221, 196, 212); HEX: #ead9cb, RGB: (234, 217, 203); HEX: #e4e5e0, RGB: (228, 229, 224)
HEX: #f8e7df, RGB: (248, 231, 223); HEX: #dffbf3, RGB: (223, 251, 243)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of sienna, Shade of Khaki, Tint of Olive, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of mediumvioletred, Tint of deeppink, Shade of Maroon, Shade of Maroon, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of tan, Tint of wheat, Shade of Silver, Shade of thistle, Tint of antiquewhite, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of linen, Tint of lightcyan
Color scheme was created by bad_colors
Colors codes in palette
Cherry Cola, Banana Peel, Flag Green, Fright Night, Aristocratic Velvet, Vivid Raspberry, Smoked Claret, Strong Envy, Iceberg Gree color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#894c3b | RGB(137, 76, 59) | Cherry Cola | — | |
#ffe774 | RGB(255, 231, 116) | Banana Peel | — | |
#717c00 | RGB(113, 124, 0) | Flag Green | — | |
#004499 | RGB(0, 68, 153) | Fright Night | — | |
#980b4a | RGB(152, 11, 74) | Aristocratic Velvet | — | |
#ff006c | RGB(255, 0, 108) | Vivid Raspberry | — | |
#583a39 | RGB(88, 58, 57) | Smoked Claret | — | |
#782e2c | RGB(120, 46, 44) | Strong Envy | — | |
#8c9c92 | RGB(140, 156, 146) | Iceberg Green | — | |
#cbbfad | RGB(203, 191, 173) | Sandbar | — | |
#dacca8 | RGB(218, 204, 168) | Gabriel's Light | — | |
#cac7c4 | RGB(202, 199, 196) | Ice Grey | — | |
#ddc4d4 | RGB(221, 196, 212) | Blissful | — | |
#ead9cb | RGB(234, 217, 203) | Shoreland | — | |
#e4e5e0 | RGB(228, 229, 224) | Misty Dawn | — | |
#f8e7df | RGB(248, 231, 223) | My Sweetheart | — | |
#dffbf3 | RGB(223, 251, 243) | Mint Condition | — |
Color Palette Contrast
56 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#894c3b | #717c00 | 1.45 |
#894c3b | #004499 | 1.38 |
#894c3b | #980b4a | 1.27 |
#894c3b | #ff006c | 1.73 |
#894c3b | #583a39 | 1.52 |
#894c3b | #782e2c | 1.41 |