Created at 01/23/2025 20:18

Mario, Antler Moth, Persian Orange, Banana Bandanna, Retreat, Hydra Turquoise, Green Garlands, Watermelon Pink, Forest Ride, Blue

Antler Moth
Persian Orange
Banana Bandanna
Hydra Turquoise
Green Garlands
Watermelon Pink
Forest Ride
Blue Buzz
Fresh Blue
Fish Pond
Sparkling Champagne
Mint Tea
Forever Faithful
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The palette consists of Dark, Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Mario #e4000f and Green Garlands #008176. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Mario, Antler Moth, Persian Orange, Banana Bandanna, Retreat, Hydra Turquoise, Green Garlands, Watermelon Pink, Forest Ride, Blue has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #e4000f, RGB: (228, 0, 15); HEX: #864f3e, RGB: (134, 79, 62); HEX: #d99058, RGB: (217, 144, 88)
HEX: #f8f739, RGB: (248, 247, 57); HEX: #7a8076, RGB: (122, 128, 118); HEX: #007a73, RGB: (0, 122, 115)
HEX: #008176, RGB: (0, 129, 118); HEX: #c77690, RGB: (199, 118, 144); HEX: #006800, RGB: (0, 104, 0)
HEX: #a1a2bd, RGB: (161, 162, 189); HEX: #8bd6e2, RGB: (139, 214, 226); HEX: #86c8ed, RGB: (134, 200, 237)
HEX: #efcf98, RGB: (239, 207, 152); HEX: #c7c2ce, RGB: (199, 194, 206); HEX: #d1d2cb, RGB: (209, 210, 203)
HEX: #afeee1, RGB: (175, 238, 225); HEX: #efe6e1, RGB: (239, 230, 225)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Red, Tint of sienna, Shade of peru, Tint of Yellow, Tint of Grey, Tint of Teal, Tint of Teal, Tint of palevioletred, Shade of darkgreen, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of powderblue, Tint of lightskyblue, Tint of navajowhite, Shade of Silver, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of paleturquoise, Tint of linen
Color scheme was created by hex

Colors codes in palette

Mario, Antler Moth, Persian Orange, Banana Bandanna, Retreat, Hydra Turquoise, Green Garlands, Watermelon Pink, Forest Ride, Blue color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#e4000f RGB(228, 0, 15)Mario
#864f3e RGB(134, 79, 62)Antler Moth
#d99058 RGB(217, 144, 88)Persian Orange
#f8f739 RGB(248, 247, 57)Banana Bandanna
#7a8076 RGB(122, 128, 118)Retreat
#007a73 RGB(0, 122, 115)Hydra Turquoise
#008176 RGB(0, 129, 118)Green Garlands
#c77690 RGB(199, 118, 144)Watermelon Pink
#006800 RGB(0, 104, 0)Forest Ride
#a1a2bd RGB(161, 162, 189)Blue Buzz
#8bd6e2 RGB(139, 214, 226)Fresh Blue
#86c8ed RGB(134, 200, 237)Fish Pond
#efcf98 RGB(239, 207, 152)Sparkling Champagne
#c7c2ce RGB(199, 194, 206)Femininity
#d1d2cb RGB(209, 210, 203)Silverpointe
#afeee1 RGB(175, 238, 225)Mint Tea
#efe6e1 RGB(239, 230, 225)Forever Faithful

Color Palette Contrast

71 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Mario, Antler Moth, Persian Orange, Banana Bandanna, Retreat, Hydra Turquoise, Green Garlands, Watermelon Pink, Forest Ride, Blue png

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