Created at 01/23/2025 20:30
Pepper Spice, Capers, Summer Blue, Blithe, Rich Red, Hereford Bull, Rosy Skin, Everything's Rosy, Spätzle Yellow, Birthday Suit, D
Pepper Spice
Summer Blue
Rich Red
Hereford Bull
Rosy Skin
Everything's Rosy
Spätzle Yellow
Birthday Suit
Dwindling Denim
August Moon
Baked Brie
Lower Lavender
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Blithe #0084bd and Spätzle Yellow #ffee88. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Pepper Spice, Capers, Summer Blue, Blithe, Rich Red, Hereford Bull, Rosy Skin, Everything's Rosy, Spätzle Yellow, Birthday Suit, D has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #8e7059, RGB: (142, 112, 89); HEX: #897a3e, RGB: (137, 122, 62); HEX: #1880a1, RGB: (24, 128, 161)
HEX: #0084bd, RGB: (0, 132, 189); HEX: #ff1144, RGB: (255, 17, 68); HEX: #5f3b36, RGB: (95, 59, 54)
HEX: #f7b978, RGB: (247, 185, 120); HEX: #d8aca0, RGB: (216, 172, 160); HEX: #ffee88, RGB: (255, 238, 136)
HEX: #e2c7b6, RGB: (226, 199, 182); HEX: #cce1ee, RGB: (204, 225, 238); HEX: #e6e1d6, RGB: (230, 225, 214)
HEX: #ede9d7, RGB: (237, 233, 215); HEX: #dcdfef, RGB: (220, 223, 239)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of sienna, Shade of Olive, Tint of steelblue, Tint of steelblue, Shade of crimson, Shade of Maroon, Shade of sandybrown, Shade of rosybrown, Shade of Khaki, Tint of peachpuff, Shade of lightblue, Tint of linen, Tint of beige, Tint of lavender
Color scheme was created by colorslib
Colors codes in palette
Pepper Spice, Capers, Summer Blue, Blithe, Rich Red, Hereford Bull, Rosy Skin, Everything's Rosy, Spätzle Yellow, Birthday Suit, D color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#8e7059 | RGB(142, 112, 89) | Pepper Spice | — | |
#897a3e | RGB(137, 122, 62) | Capers | — | |
#1880a1 | RGB(24, 128, 161) | Summer Blue | — | |
#0084bd | RGB(0, 132, 189) | Blithe | — | |
#ff1144 | RGB(255, 17, 68) | Rich Red | — | |
#5f3b36 | RGB(95, 59, 54) | Hereford Bull | — | |
#f7b978 | RGB(247, 185, 120) | Rosy Skin | — | |
#d8aca0 | RGB(216, 172, 160) | Everything's Rosy | — | |
#ffee88 | RGB(255, 238, 136) | Spätzle Yellow | — | |
#e2c7b6 | RGB(226, 199, 182) | Birthday Suit | — | |
#cce1ee | RGB(204, 225, 238) | Dwindling Denim | — | |
#e6e1d6 | RGB(230, 225, 214) | August Moon | — | |
#ede9d7 | RGB(237, 233, 215) | Baked Brie | — | |
#dcdfef | RGB(220, 223, 239) | Lower Lavender | — |
Color Palette Contrast
39 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#8e7059 | #897a3e | 1.06 |
#8e7059 | #1880a1 | 1 |
#8e7059 | #0084bd | 1.09 |
#8e7059 | #ff1144 | 1.17 |
#897a3e | #1880a1 | 1.05 |
#897a3e | #0084bd | 1.02 |