Created at 01/24/2025 07:27

Clotted Red, Flushed, Saffron Sunset, Volcanic Ash, Castaway Lagoon, Sky Lodge, Traditional Blue, Reddish Brown, Golden Coin palet

Clotted Red
Saffron Sunset
Volcanic Ash
Castaway Lagoon
Sky Lodge
Traditional Blue
Reddish Brown
Golden Coin
Road Runner
Kendall Rose
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The palette consists of Dark, Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Traditional Blue #1f648d and Golden Coin #fcd975. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Clotted Red, Flushed, Saffron Sunset, Volcanic Ash, Castaway Lagoon, Sky Lodge, Traditional Blue, Reddish Brown, Golden Coin palet has combination of 11 codes colors:
HEX: #991115, RGB: (153, 17, 21); HEX: #dd5555, RGB: (221, 85, 85); HEX: #da9e35, RGB: (218, 158, 53)
HEX: #6f7678, RGB: (111, 118, 120); HEX: #607374, RGB: (96, 115, 116); HEX: #546977, RGB: (84, 105, 119)
HEX: #1f648d, RGB: (31, 100, 141); HEX: #7f2b0a, RGB: (127, 43, 10); HEX: #fcd975, RGB: (252, 217, 117)
HEX: #cbc3bd, RGB: (203, 195, 189); HEX: #f7cccd, RGB: (247, 204, 205)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkred, Tint of indianred, Tint of goldenrod, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of dimgrey, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of steelblue, Shade of darkred, Tint of Khaki, Shade of Silver, Shade of Pink
Color scheme was created by colorhunt

Colors codes in palette

Clotted Red, Flushed, Saffron Sunset, Volcanic Ash, Castaway Lagoon, Sky Lodge, Traditional Blue, Reddish Brown, Golden Coin palet color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#991115 RGB(153, 17, 21)Clotted Red
#dd5555 RGB(221, 85, 85)Flushed
#da9e35 RGB(218, 158, 53)Saffron Sunset
#6f7678 RGB(111, 118, 120)Volcanic Ash
#607374 RGB(96, 115, 116)Castaway Lagoon
#546977 RGB(84, 105, 119)Sky Lodge
#1f648d RGB(31, 100, 141)Traditional Blue
#7f2b0a RGB(127, 43, 10)Reddish BrownReddish brown
#fcd975 RGB(252, 217, 117)Golden CoinGoldenrod
#cbc3bd RGB(203, 195, 189)Road Runner
#f7cccd RGB(247, 204, 205)Kendall Rose

Color Palette Contrast

26 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Clotted Red, Flushed, Saffron Sunset, Volcanic Ash, Castaway Lagoon, Sky Lodge, Traditional Blue, Reddish Brown, Golden Coin palet png

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