Created at 01/24/2025 15:55
Red My Mind, Spring Marsh, Victorian Crown, New Gold, Red Cedar, Pink Flambe, Kremlin Red, Violet Intense, Alaskan Cruise, Deco Gr
Red My Mind
Spring Marsh
Victorian Crown
New Gold
Red Cedar
Pink Flambe
Kremlin Red
Violet Intense
Alaskan Cruise
Deco Grey
Mélange Green
Kahlua Milk
Sun Surprise
Cold Water
Wisp Pink
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Alaskan Cruise #34466c and Sun Surprise #fff2a0. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Red My Mind, Spring Marsh, Victorian Crown, New Gold, Red Cedar, Pink Flambe, Kremlin Red, Violet Intense, Alaskan Cruise, Deco Gr has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #994341, RGB: (153, 67, 65); HEX: #c0b05d, RGB: (192, 176, 93); HEX: #c38b36, RGB: (195, 139, 54)
HEX: #ead151, RGB: (234, 209, 81); HEX: #d87678, RGB: (216, 118, 120); HEX: #d3507a, RGB: (211, 80, 122)
HEX: #633639, RGB: (99, 54, 57); HEX: #4d4456, RGB: (77, 68, 86); HEX: #34466c, RGB: (52, 70, 108)
HEX: #89978e, RGB: (137, 151, 142); HEX: #c4c476, RGB: (196, 196, 118); HEX: #bab099, RGB: (186, 176, 153)
HEX: #c8c0b7, RGB: (200, 192, 183); HEX: #fff2a0, RGB: (255, 242, 160); HEX: #d9dfe0, RGB: (217, 223, 224)
HEX: #f9e8e2, RGB: (249, 232, 226)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Tint of gold, Tint of lightcoral, Tint of palevioletred, Shade of Maroon, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of Grey, Shade of darkkhaki, Tint of tan, Shade of Silver, Shade of Khaki, Shade of gainsboro, Shade of mistyrose
Color scheme was created by hex
Colors codes in palette
Red My Mind, Spring Marsh, Victorian Crown, New Gold, Red Cedar, Pink Flambe, Kremlin Red, Violet Intense, Alaskan Cruise, Deco Gr color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#994341 | RGB(153, 67, 65) | Red My Mind | — | |
#c0b05d | RGB(192, 176, 93) | Spring Marsh | — | |
#c38b36 | RGB(195, 139, 54) | Victorian Crown | — | |
#ead151 | RGB(234, 209, 81) | New Gold | — | |
#d87678 | RGB(216, 118, 120) | Red Cedar | — | |
#d3507a | RGB(211, 80, 122) | Pink Flambe | — | |
#633639 | RGB(99, 54, 57) | Kremlin Red | — | |
#4d4456 | RGB(77, 68, 86) | Violet Intense | — | |
#34466c | RGB(52, 70, 108) | Alaskan Cruise | — | |
#89978e | RGB(137, 151, 142) | Deco Grey | — | |
#c4c476 | RGB(196, 196, 118) | Mélange Green | — | |
#bab099 | RGB(186, 176, 153) | Kahlua Milk | — | |
#c8c0b7 | RGB(200, 192, 183) | Roadrunner | — | |
#fff2a0 | RGB(255, 242, 160) | Sun Surprise | — | |
#d9dfe0 | RGB(217, 223, 224) | Cold Water | — | |
#f9e8e2 | RGB(249, 232, 226) | Wisp Pink | — |
Color Palette Contrast
57 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#994341 | #d3507a | 1.6 |
#994341 | #633639 | 1.52 |
#994341 | #4d4456 | 1.42 |
#994341 | #34466c | 1.44 |
#c0b05d | #c38b36 | 1.35 |
#c0b05d | #ead151 | 1.42 |