Created at 01/24/2025 22:11
Crabapple, Burnished Caramel, Breeze of Chilli, Poisonous Ice Cream, Sunflower, Mulu Frog, Princely Violet, Turkish Rose, Strawber
Burnished Caramel
Breeze of Chilli
Poisonous Ice Cream
Mulu Frog
Princely Violet
Turkish Rose
Strawberry Daiquiri
Cherry Soda
Chocolate Truffle
Descent to the Catacombs
Davy's Grey
Tender Yellow
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Sunflower #ffc512 and Princely Violet #6d5c7b. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Crabapple, Burnished Caramel, Breeze of Chilli, Poisonous Ice Cream, Sunflower, Mulu Frog, Princely Violet, Turkish Rose, Strawber has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #87382f, RGB: (135, 56, 47); HEX: #be9167, RGB: (190, 145, 103); HEX: #f4706e, RGB: (244, 112, 110)
HEX: #d7d927, RGB: (215, 217, 39); HEX: #ffc512, RGB: (255, 197, 18); HEX: #55bb00, RGB: (85, 187, 0)
HEX: #6d5c7b, RGB: (109, 92, 123); HEX: #a56e75, RGB: (165, 110, 117); HEX: #a23d50, RGB: (162, 61, 80)
HEX: #ff0044, RGB: (255, 0, 68); HEX: #2c2a35, RGB: (44, 42, 53); HEX: #612e35, RGB: (97, 46, 53)
HEX: #445155, RGB: (68, 81, 85); HEX: #535554, RGB: (83, 85, 84); HEX: #ededb7, RGB: (237, 237, 183)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of brown, Shade of peru, Tint of lightcoral, Tint of Yellow, Tint of gold, Tint of limegreen, Shade of darkslateblue, Shade of indianred, Shade of brown, Tint of crimson, Shade of Black, Shade of Maroon, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of palegoldenrod
Color scheme was created by palettespicker
Colors codes in palette
Crabapple, Burnished Caramel, Breeze of Chilli, Poisonous Ice Cream, Sunflower, Mulu Frog, Princely Violet, Turkish Rose, Strawber color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#87382f | RGB(135, 56, 47) | Crabapple | — | |
#be9167 | RGB(190, 145, 103) | Burnished Caramel | — | |
#f4706e | RGB(244, 112, 110) | Breeze of Chilli | — | |
#d7d927 | RGB(215, 217, 39) | Poisonous Ice Cream | — | |
#ffc512 | RGB(255, 197, 18) | Sunflower | — | |
#55bb00 | RGB(85, 187, 0) | Mulu Frog | — | |
#6d5c7b | RGB(109, 92, 123) | Princely Violet | — | |
#a56e75 | RGB(165, 110, 117) | Turkish Rose | — | |
#a23d50 | RGB(162, 61, 80) | Strawberry Daiquiri | — | |
#ff0044 | RGB(255, 0, 68) | Cherry Soda | — | |
#2c2a35 | RGB(44, 42, 53) | Haiti | — | |
#612e35 | RGB(97, 46, 53) | Chocolate Truffle | — | |
#445155 | RGB(68, 81, 85) | Descent to the Catacombs | — | |
#535554 | RGB(83, 85, 84) | Davy's Grey | — | |
#ededb7 | RGB(237, 237, 183) | Tender Yellow | — |
Color Palette Contrast
46 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#87382f | #6d5c7b | 1.31 |
#87382f | #a56e75 | 1.92 |
#87382f | #a23d50 | 1.25 |
#87382f | #2c2a35 | 1.77 |
#87382f | #612e35 | 1.35 |
#87382f | #445155 | 1.03 |