Created at 01/25/2025 15:17
Be Daring, Island Moment, Victorian Greenhouse, Surgeon Green, Rose Garland, Dreamless Sleep, Dire Wolf, Victorian Mauve, Chapel B
Be Daring
Island Moment
Victorian Greenhouse
Surgeon Green
Rose Garland
Dreamless Sleep
Dire Wolf
Victorian Mauve
Chapel Blue
Ivory Stone
Crown Point Cream
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Victorian Greenhouse #00b191 and Crown Point Cream #fff0c1. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Be Daring, Island Moment, Victorian Greenhouse, Surgeon Green, Rose Garland, Dreamless Sleep, Dire Wolf, Victorian Mauve, Chapel B has combination of 11 codes colors:
HEX: #ffc943, RGB: (255, 201, 67); HEX: #3fb2a8, RGB: (63, 178, 168); HEX: #00b191, RGB: (0, 177, 145)
HEX: #009f6b, RGB: (0, 159, 107); HEX: #865a64, RGB: (134, 90, 100); HEX: #111111, RGB: (17, 17, 17)
HEX: #282828, RGB: (40, 40, 40); HEX: #b68b88, RGB: (182, 139, 136); HEX: #b0d2e7, RGB: (176, 210, 231)
HEX: #eee1cc, RGB: (238, 225, 204); HEX: #fff0c1, RGB: (255, 240, 193)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of gold, Shade of lightseagreen, Tint of lightseagreen, Shade of seashell, Tint of indianred, Shade of Black, Shade of Black, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of lightblue, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of lemonchiffon
Color scheme was created by bad_colors
Colors codes in palette
Be Daring, Island Moment, Victorian Greenhouse, Surgeon Green, Rose Garland, Dreamless Sleep, Dire Wolf, Victorian Mauve, Chapel B color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#ffc943 | RGB(255, 201, 67) | Be Daring | — | |
#3fb2a8 | RGB(63, 178, 168) | Island Moment | — | |
#00b191 | RGB(0, 177, 145) | Victorian Greenhouse | — | |
#009f6b | RGB(0, 159, 107) | Surgeon Green | — | |
#865a64 | RGB(134, 90, 100) | Rose Garland | — | |
#111111 | RGB(17, 17, 17) | Dreamless Sleep | — | |
#282828 | RGB(40, 40, 40) | Dire Wolf | — | |
#b68b88 | RGB(182, 139, 136) | Victorian Mauve | — | |
#b0d2e7 | RGB(176, 210, 231) | Chapel Blue | — | |
#eee1cc | RGB(238, 225, 204) | Ivory Stone | — | |
#fff0c1 | RGB(255, 240, 193) | Crown Point Cream | — |
Color Palette Contrast
22 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#ffc943 | #3fb2a8 | 1.68 |
#ffc943 | #00b191 | 1.77 |
#ffc943 | #b68b88 | 1.94 |
#ffc943 | #b0d2e7 | 1.03 |
#ffc943 | #eee1cc | 1.18 |
#ffc943 | #fff0c1 | 1.35 |