Created at 01/27/2025 08:26
Mexican Red, Castle Hill, Weathered Saddle, Zesty Apple, Real Turquoise, Shoreline, Blue Sparkle, Zoom, Hyper Pink, Plunge, Field
Mexican Red
Castle Hill
Weathered Saddle
Zesty Apple
Real Turquoise
Blue Sparkle
Hyper Pink
Field Drab
Medium Gunship Grey
Minor Blue
Malibu Coast
Satin Latour
Ladoga Bottom
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Blue Sparkle #0077ff and Hyper Pink #ec006c. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Mexican Red, Castle Hill, Weathered Saddle, Zesty Apple, Real Turquoise, Shoreline, Blue Sparkle, Zoom, Hyper Pink, Plunge, Field has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #9b3d3d, RGB: (155, 61, 61); HEX: #95827b, RGB: (149, 130, 123); HEX: #b5745c, RGB: (181, 116, 92)
HEX: #92a360, RGB: (146, 163, 96); HEX: #008a4c, RGB: (0, 138, 76); HEX: #6c8791, RGB: (108, 135, 145)
HEX: #0077ff, RGB: (0, 119, 255); HEX: #7b6c74, RGB: (123, 108, 116); HEX: #ec006c, RGB: (236, 0, 108)
HEX: #035568, RGB: (3, 85, 104); HEX: #6c541e, RGB: (108, 84, 30); HEX: #3f4952, RGB: (63, 73, 82)
HEX: #ddd3ae, RGB: (221, 211, 174); HEX: #b7dfe8, RGB: (183, 223, 232); HEX: #e7cfc2, RGB: (231, 207, 194)
HEX: #fad7b0, RGB: (250, 215, 176); HEX: #d9ded8, RGB: (217, 222, 216)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Shade of Grey, Shade of indianred, Tint of darkkhaki, Tint of seashell, Tint of lightslategrey, Tint of royalblue, Shade of dimgrey, Tint of deeppink, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of saddlebrown, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of wheat, Shade of lightblue, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of gainsboro
Color scheme was created by colourlock
Colors codes in palette
Mexican Red, Castle Hill, Weathered Saddle, Zesty Apple, Real Turquoise, Shoreline, Blue Sparkle, Zoom, Hyper Pink, Plunge, Field color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#9b3d3d | RGB(155, 61, 61) | Mexican Red | — | |
#95827b | RGB(149, 130, 123) | Castle Hill | — | |
#b5745c | RGB(181, 116, 92) | Weathered Saddle | — | |
#92a360 | RGB(146, 163, 96) | Zesty Apple | — | |
#008a4c | RGB(0, 138, 76) | Real Turquoise | — | |
#6c8791 | RGB(108, 135, 145) | Shoreline | — | |
#0077ff | RGB(0, 119, 255) | Blue Sparkle | — | |
#7b6c74 | RGB(123, 108, 116) | Zoom | — | |
#ec006c | RGB(236, 0, 108) | Hyper Pink | — | |
#035568 | RGB(3, 85, 104) | Plunge | — | |
#6c541e | RGB(108, 84, 30) | Field Drab | — | |
#3f4952 | RGB(63, 73, 82) | Medium Gunship Grey | — | |
#ddd3ae | RGB(221, 211, 174) | Stardust | — | |
#b7dfe8 | RGB(183, 223, 232) | Minor Blue | — | |
#e7cfc2 | RGB(231, 207, 194) | Malibu Coast | — | |
#fad7b0 | RGB(250, 215, 176) | Satin Latour | — | |
#d9ded8 | RGB(217, 222, 216) | Ladoga Bottom | — |
Color Palette Contrast
65 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#9b3d3d | #95827b | 1.84 |
#9b3d3d | #b5745c | 1.79 |
#9b3d3d | #008a4c | 1.51 |
#9b3d3d | #6c8791 | 1.76 |
#9b3d3d | #0077ff | 1.62 |
#9b3d3d | #7b6c74 | 1.35 |