Created at 01/28/2025 19:55

Pigeon Pink, Tantanmen Brown, Ochre, Potato Chip, Scotland Isle, Xavier Blue, Rock Lobster, Blue Zodiac, Heather, Insightful Rose,

Pigeon Pink
Tantanmen Brown
Potato Chip
Scotland Isle
Xavier Blue
Rock Lobster
Blue Zodiac
Insightful Rose
Persian Pink
Weathered Hide
Dreams of Peach
Peachy Bon-Bon
Blowing Kisses
Diamond Dust
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The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Xavier Blue #6ab4e0 and Peachy Bon-Bon #ffd2b9. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Pigeon Pink, Tantanmen Brown, Ochre, Potato Chip, Scotland Isle, Xavier Blue, Rock Lobster, Blue Zodiac, Heather, Insightful Rose, has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #9d857f, RGB: (157, 133, 127); HEX: #857158, RGB: (133, 113, 88); HEX: #cc7722, RGB: (204, 119, 34)
HEX: #fddc57, RGB: (253, 220, 87); HEX: #87954f, RGB: (135, 149, 79); HEX: #6ab4e0, RGB: (106, 180, 224)
HEX: #f00b52, RGB: (240, 11, 82); HEX: #3c4354, RGB: (60, 67, 84); HEX: #a484ac, RGB: (164, 132, 172)
HEX: #c9b0ab, RGB: (201, 176, 171); HEX: #f77fbe, RGB: (247, 127, 190); HEX: #d5c6c2, RGB: (213, 198, 194)
HEX: #ffd29d, RGB: (255, 210, 157); HEX: #d9d8da, RGB: (217, 216, 218); HEX: #ffd2b9, RGB: (255, 210, 185)
HEX: #f6dee0, RGB: (246, 222, 224); HEX: #f8f5e5, RGB: (248, 245, 229)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of rosybrown, Shade of dimgrey, Tint of peru, Shade of gold, Shade of olivedrab, Shade of deepskyblue, Shade of crimson, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of plum, Shade of rosybrown, Shade of hotpink, Shade of Silver, Tint of navajowhite, Shade of lightgrey, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of oldlace
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

Pigeon Pink, Tantanmen Brown, Ochre, Potato Chip, Scotland Isle, Xavier Blue, Rock Lobster, Blue Zodiac, Heather, Insightful Rose, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#9d857f RGB(157, 133, 127)Pigeon Pink
#857158 RGB(133, 113, 88)Tantanmen Brown
#cc7722 RGB(204, 119, 34)Ochre
#fddc57 RGB(253, 220, 87)Potato Chip
#87954f RGB(135, 149, 79)Scotland Isle
#6ab4e0 RGB(106, 180, 224)Xavier Blue
#f00b52 RGB(240, 11, 82)Rock Lobster
#3c4354 RGB(60, 67, 84)Blue Zodiac
#a484ac RGB(164, 132, 172)Heather
#c9b0ab RGB(201, 176, 171)Insightful Rose
#f77fbe RGB(247, 127, 190)Persian Pink
#d5c6c2 RGB(213, 198, 194)Weathered Hide
#ffd29d RGB(255, 210, 157)Dreams of Peach
#d9d8da RGB(217, 216, 218)Orochimaru
#ffd2b9 RGB(255, 210, 185)Peachy Bon-Bon
#f6dee0 RGB(246, 222, 224)Blowing Kisses
#f8f5e5 RGB(248, 245, 229)Diamond Dust

Color Palette Contrast

75 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Pigeon Pink, Tantanmen Brown, Ochre, Potato Chip, Scotland Isle, Xavier Blue, Rock Lobster, Blue Zodiac, Heather, Insightful Rose, png

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