Created at 01/28/2025 22:24

Cremini, Green Lacewing, Green Minions, Primal Green, Minuet Lilac, Shady Blue, Nasu Purple, Berry Brown, Paradise Found, Gateway

Green Lacewing
Green Minions
Primal Green
Minuet Lilac
Shady Blue
Nasu Purple
Berry Brown
Paradise Found
Gateway Grey
Sand Trail
Soft Vellum
Blue Booties
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The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Green Minions #99dd00 and Nasu Purple #5d21d0. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Cremini, Green Lacewing, Green Minions, Primal Green, Minuet Lilac, Shady Blue, Nasu Purple, Berry Brown, Paradise Found, Gateway has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #cfa33b, RGB: (207, 163, 59); HEX: #8ad370, RGB: (138, 211, 112); HEX: #99dd00, RGB: (153, 221, 0)
HEX: #11875d, RGB: (17, 135, 93); HEX: #777ba9, RGB: (119, 123, 169); HEX: #42808a, RGB: (66, 128, 138)
HEX: #5d21d0, RGB: (93, 33, 208); HEX: #544f4c, RGB: (84, 79, 76); HEX: #83988c, RGB: (131, 152, 140)
HEX: #a0a09c, RGB: (160, 160, 156); HEX: #a9c08a, RGB: (169, 192, 138); HEX: #d0c6a1, RGB: (208, 198, 161)
HEX: #dddebe, RGB: (221, 222, 190); HEX: #f3e5ab, RGB: (243, 229, 171); HEX: #eae0c8, RGB: (234, 224, 200)
HEX: #c8ddee, RGB: (200, 221, 238)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of goldenrod, Tint of lightgreen, Shade of Yellowgreen, Tint of seashell, Shade of slategrey, Shade of Teal, Shade of Blue, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of cadetblue, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of wheat, Tint of beige, Tint of palegoldenrod, Tint of papayawhip, Shade of lightblue
Color scheme was created by raccoon

Colors codes in palette

Cremini, Green Lacewing, Green Minions, Primal Green, Minuet Lilac, Shady Blue, Nasu Purple, Berry Brown, Paradise Found, Gateway color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#cfa33b RGB(207, 163, 59)Cremini
#8ad370 RGB(138, 211, 112)Green Lacewing
#99dd00 RGB(153, 221, 0)Green Minions
#11875d RGB(17, 135, 93)Primal GreenDark sea green
#777ba9 RGB(119, 123, 169)Minuet Lilac
#42808a RGB(66, 128, 138)Shady Blue
#5d21d0 RGB(93, 33, 208)Nasu PurplePurple/blue
#544f4c RGB(84, 79, 76)Berry Brown
#83988c RGB(131, 152, 140)Paradise Found
#a0a09c RGB(160, 160, 156)Gateway Grey
#a9c08a RGB(169, 192, 138)Shrubbery
#d0c6a1 RGB(208, 198, 161)Sand Trail
#dddebe RGB(221, 222, 190)Soft Vellum
#f3e5ab RGB(243, 229, 171)Vanilla
#eae0c8 RGB(234, 224, 200)Pearl
#c8ddee RGB(200, 221, 238)Blue Booties

Color Palette Contrast

68 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Cremini, Green Lacewing, Green Minions, Primal Green, Minuet Lilac, Shady Blue, Nasu Purple, Berry Brown, Paradise Found, Gateway png

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