創建於 02/21/2023 13:38

#8b79b1 十六進位 顏色 Paisley Purple 資訊

顏色 十六進位 RGB
#8b79b1 RGB(139, 121, 177)

RGB 值是 RGB(139, 121, 177)
#8b79b1 顏色包含 紅色的 54.51%, 綠色的 47.45% 和 藍色的 69.41%.

顏色名稱 #8b79b1 十六進位 程式碼

Paisley Purple 顏色


#8b79b1 是 光 和 涼爽的 顏色
Paisley Purple 相反的顏色是 #9eb078

#8b79b1 顏色轉換

有關十六進制顏色十進制的代碼和值信息,十六進制。 HSL、HSLA、RGB、RGBA 值 #8b79b1 Paisley Purple

hsl(259, 26%, 58%)
hsla(259, 26%, 58%, 1)
RGB(139, 121, 177)
RGBA(139, 121, 177, 1)

#8b79b1 顏色的調色板 Paisley Purple:

以下是 #8b79b1 十六進位顏色的調色板範例

最深的顏色是色調中的 #0e0c12,最淺的顏色是色調中的 #f3f2f7

#8b79b1 的色調調色板:
#8b79b1 的色調調色板:
#8b79b1 的補充調色板:
#8b79b1 的三元調色板:
#8b79b1 的方形調色板:
#8b79b1 的類似調色板:
#8b79b1 的拆分互補調色板:
#8b79b1 的矩形(四元)調色板:

顏色 Paisley Purple #8b79b1 用於調色板 (50)

Paisley Purple, Majestic Eggplant palette Schnipo, Bhūrā Brown, Skylar, Baharroth Blue, Paisley Purple, Amphystine, Pistachio Shortbread, Rosemary White palette Swiss Chocolate, Swamp Shrub, Paisley Purple, Kiss and Tell, White Ultramarine, Shower, Infra-White palette Dynamite Red, Hip Waders, OK Corral, Flushed, Ultramarine, Paisley Purple, Dark Turquoise, Plaza Taupe, Canterbury Cathedral, Tomb Wistman's Wood, Golden Field, Vivid Malachite, Dynamic Blue, Paisley Purple, Matte Carmine, Danger Ridge, Man Friday, Stone's Thro Hóng Sè Red, Maple View, Civara, Accent Green Blue, Meadow Violet, Paisley Purple, Captain Blue, Vermicelle palette Kid's Stuff, Blue Chill, Paisley Purple, Plum Highness, Coach Green, Blue Slate palette Firebrick, Lost Canyon, Bluesy Note, Treasure Map Waters, Paisley Purple, Honey Chili, Blackberry Cordial, Dobunezumi Brown, Caval Snake Eyes, UV Light, Paisley Purple, River Tour palette Rich Biscuit, Gargantua, Gooseberry Fool, Paisley Purple, Passion Plum, Covered Bridge, Cool Avocado, Cozy Wool, Filtered Moon, Ch New Cork, Sun Baked, Jack-O, Sailor Moon, Poster Yellow, Double Jeopardy, Starstruck, Paisley Purple, Flamingo Fury, Majestic Plum Native Soil, Kalliene Yellow, Necrotic Flesh, Paisley Purple, Ripe Malinka, Obscure Orchid, Forbidden Fruit, Pitch-Black Forests, Pumpkin Choco, Hickory Branch, Tibetan Silk, Metal Flake, Signal Green, Iris Eyes, Midnight Show, Enterprise, Pacific Navy, Early Spice Bazaar, Ritzy, Crypto Gold, Champion Blue, Violet Storm, Chalcedony Violet, Coelin Blue, Queen of the Night, Paisley Purple, Prairie Fire, Taisha Red, Dynamic Green, Green Lapis, Payne's Grey, Giant Onion, Cleopatra's Gown, Paisley Purple, Barbara, 8 Bit Toxic Boyfriend, Billiard Room, Booger Buster, Iris Bloom, Alexis Blue, Paisley Purple, Cinnapink, Forestwood, Autumn Orchid, Gree Coral Quartz, Zenith, Paisley Purple, Amora Purple, Ice Dark Turquoise, Bella Sera, Monarchy, Colonial Revival Sea Green, Nantucke Vermilion Scarlet, Library Oak, Outer Reef, Paisley Purple, Mauve Madness, Sweet Apricot palette Autumn Arrival, Pouring Copper, Flying Fish, Paisley Purple, Rural Red, Taffy Twist, Sweet Juliet palette Soft Bark, Khardic Flesh, Golden Ochre, Happy Days, Peninsula, Heron, Paisley Purple, Passionate Plum, Ancient Doeskin, Polar Wind Home Sweet Home, Tosty Crust, Zōng Hóng Red, Emerald Dream, Paisley Purple, Purple Feather Boa palette Potters Pot, Apple Jack, Bowman Blue, Revel Blue, Dark Blue, Paisley Purple, Rose Red, Golden Blood, Fibonacci Blue, Dark Rainfore Peppergrass, Tawny Birch, Green Sulphur, Lush Honeycomb, Paisley Purple, Crucified Red, Black Market, Camelback Mountain palette Smokehouse, Office Green, Mint, Paisley Purple, Festive Fennec, Copenhagen, Perano, Clay Slate Wacke palette Desert Shadows, Leather Bound, Dirt Track, Bland Celery, Mary Blue, Atlantis Myth, Paisley Purple, Triple Berry, Lustful Wishes, S Doe, Paisley Purple, Fibonacci Blue, Lap of Luxury, Roasted Black, Baroque Grey, Le Luxe, Eyre, Dead Sea, Blue Crab Escape, Wild L C-3PO, Shade of Amber, Workshop Blue, Paisley Purple, Imagery, Muted Lime, Queen Conch Shell, Soft Suede, Uninhibited palette Striking Orange, Rowdy Orange, Bermudan Blue, Silver Lake Blue, Sweet Potato Peel, Dark Lilac, Paisley Purple palette Go Go Lime, Marsh Marigold, Paisley Purple, Neon Fuchsia, Relaxing Blue, Pinenut palette Citronne, Green Gardens, Paisley Purple, Marron, Casket, Bud palette Seabuckthorn Yellow Brown, Paisley Purple, Tanzanite Blue, Monarch, Kernel, Madera palette Xena, Caramel Cupcake, Burtuqali Orange, Paisley Purple, Cherished palette Quiche Lorraine, Paisley Purple palette Yanagicha, Amber Brown, Green Belt, Jet Ski, Waimea Blue, Paisley Purple, Mellow Mauve, Abbot palette Old Guitar, Paisley Purple, Hormagaunt Purple palette Pineapple Salmon, Unmellow Yellow, Paisley Purple, Smoky, Rose Colored Glasses palette Paisley Purple, Nero, Elderberry, Hunt Club, July Ruby, En Plein Air, Promise Keeping palette Ultra Moss, Beach Bag, Paisley Purple, Rhodes palette Chambray, Paisley Purple, Nightly Violet, Sepia Tone palette Golden Sprinkles, Paisley Purple, Purple Cheeks, Summertime palette Willow, Choco Biscuit, Brazilian Brown, Caught Red-Handed, Beniukon Bronze, Tool Blue, Blue Lechery, Paisley Purple, Guppy Violet, Cowgirl Blue, Lobelia, Paisley Purple, Wistful palette Valentine Lava, Volcanic, Orbital Kingdom, Paisley Purple, Strawberry Mix, Chathams Blue, Siskin Green, Moon Shadow palette Paisley Purple, Comforting Cherry, Spirit Rock palette May Green, Paisley Purple, String, Almond Paste palette Wood Garlic, Freckles, Eat Your Peas, Nominee, Paisley Purple palette Non-Stop Orange, Vesuvian Green palette Siren of Nature, Paisley Purple, Bruise palette Orange Piñata, Halt and Catch Fire, Persian Belt, Governor Bay, Paisley Purple, Teddy's Taupe, Pancotto Pugliese palette Treasure Casket, Mossy, Cloudy Carrot, Golden Kingdom, Paisley Purple, Almost Aloe, Soft Secret palette


基於 WCAG 無障礙對比度的標準,#8b79b1 與黑色和白色的小字體、大字體和圖形的顏色搭配。


影像 Paisley Purple #8b79b1 顏色 PNG