Created at 02/25/2023 22:19

#002211 HEX Color Clock Chimes Thirteen information

#002211 RGB(0, 34, 17)

RGB values are RGB(0, 34, 17)
#002211 color contain Red 0%, Green 13.33% and Blue 6.67%.

Color Names of #002211 HEX code

Clock Chimes Thirteen Color

Classification of #002211 color

#002211 is Dark and Neutral Color

Alternative colors of Clock Chimes Thirteen #002211

Opposite Color for Clock Chimes Thirteen is #240012

#002211 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #002211 Clock Chimes Thirteen

hsl(150, 100%, 7%)
hsla(150, 100%, 7%, 1)
RGB(0, 34, 17)
RGBA(0, 34, 17, 1)

Palettes for #002211 color Clock Chimes Thirteen:

Below examples of color palettes for #002211 HEX color

darkest color is #000302 from shades and lightest color is #e6e9e7 from tints

Shades palette of #002211:
Tints palette of #002211:
Complementary palette of #002211:
Triadic palette of #002211:
Square palette of #002211:
Analogous palette of #002211:
Split-Complementary palette of #002211:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #002211:

Suggested colors palettes for #002211 HEX:

Colors palette with color #002211 #1:
Colors palette with color #002211 #2:
Colors palette with color #002211 #3:
Colors palette with color #002211 #4:
Colors palette with color #002211 #5:

Color Clock Chimes Thirteen #002211 used in palettes (50)

Clock Chimes Thirteen Broccoli Paradise, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Hawk’s Eye, Jade Mussel Green, Mysterioso, Brite Gold, Frosted Toffee palette Grubby Red, Ripe Pear, Bright Bubble, Green Velour, Deep Lavender, Monsoon, Lotus Red, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Charade, Crepe Myrtl Florida Keys, Vegeta Blue, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Cordova Burgundy, Acanthus, Hush Puppy, Dainty Debutante, Touch of Blue, Aquacad Candy Apple Red, Italian Mocha, Texas Hills, Autumn Glaze, Swedish Clover, Blue Iolite, Hydra, Deep Amethyst, Chinese Safflower, H Delicious Mandarin, Nancy, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Smoke Grey, Aqua Island, Silver Lake, Bleached White palette Cheers!, Golden Beige, Ecological, Cadet, Lake Stream, Celtic Blue, Violet Ink, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Golden Rice, Tender Waves, Heart of Gold, Dexter, Boysenberry Pink, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Pale Beige, Long Island Sound, Candied Snow palette April Love, Medium Scarlet, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Warm Balaclavas Are Forever, Medium Taupe, Orchid Shadow, Bone China palette Meadowland, Clown Green, Eat Your Peas, Periscope, Huelveño Horizon, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Fresh Pine, Halogen Blue palette Federation of Love, Cranberry Whip, Tabbouleh, Prickly Pear Cactus, Candy Drop, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Cardinal Mauve, Enchanting, Tropical Twist, Hillsbrad Grass, Cyanara, Arcade Glow, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Eshin Grey, Lavender Pink, Pale Bamboo, Hybrid palet Brown Rabbit, Copper Beech, Peach Caramel, Hot Toddy, Caribbean Cruise, Powder Red, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Greenish Brown, Sparrow Turned Leaf, Sea Fantasy, Deep Greige, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Sea Going, Baltic Trench, Buckeye, Flamboyant Plum, Pencil Sketch, P Thunderbird, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Dark Serpent, Brood, Serenity palette Naga Morich, Water Persimmon, St. Tropez, Poise, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Weathered Brown, Rustic Tobacco, Mud Pack, Natchez, Pelica Mustard Crusted Salmon, Splash Palace, Lvivian Rain, Strawberry, Black Knight, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Café Noir, Black Pine Green, Boat Anchor, Obsession, Pollination, Sun Yellow, Evora, Blue Brocade, Taylor, Swiss Lilac, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Purple Void, For Driftwood, Langoustine, Noble Tone, Gooseberry, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Rousseau Green, Old School, Mahogany Spice, Bull Ring, Silv Wheat Tortilla, Eyelash Viper, Worn Denim, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Cruel Sea, Rosewood, Wren, Mulberry Mauve Black, Summer Hill, Ho Exotic Life, Play School, Chá Lǜ Green, Pine Trail, Dark Matter, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Elderberry, Sundried Tomato, Siam, Steel T Marsupilami, Persian Belt, Common Teal, Sweet Flag, Hunky Hummingbird, Piquant Pink, Black Glaze, Clock Chimes Thirteen palette Rocket Science, European Pine, Pyrite Slate Green, Mock Orange, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Indigo Sloth, Sunset Serenade, Mistletoe Ki Copper Brown, Apricot Red, Solar Flare, Pine Garland, Synthetic Spearmint, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Spinel Violet, Horsetail, White Bantam Egg, Giant Cactus Green, Turtle Bay, Stormy Strait Green, Pier 17 Steel, Capri Breeze, Wèi Lán Azure, Clock Chimes Thirteen Jack and Coke, Saveloy, Savanna, Aztec Gold, Cheddar, Miami Coral, Naples Yellow, Indian Pink, Pink Punch, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Mesa Tan, Pizza, Baklava, Therapeutic Toucan, Sunset Boulevard, Dollar Bill, Dark Jade, Harrow's Gate, Unexplained, Clock Chimes T Clock Chimes Thirteen, Majolica Mauve, Nettle, Pastel Turquoise palette Bogart, San Antonio Sage, Iced Mocha, Cheater, Velvet Morning, Greek Sea, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Green 383, Cover of Night, Jungle Dirty Brown, Rucksack Tan, Lightsaber Blue, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Dark Olive, Whimsy, Sahara Sand palette Evening Hush, Raven's Banquet, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Oxygen Blue, Stardust Evening palette Garden Greenery, Oil Slick, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Order Green, Cement, Mexican Moonlight, Soft Tone, Moby Dick palette Troll Slayer Orange, Minuet Lilac, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Cottingley Fairies palette Mined Coal, Chapter, Dragon Ball, Pink Fever, True Crimson, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Silken Gold, Coral Bells palette Cacodemon Red, Stock Horse, Nostalgic Evening, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Blue Chrysocolla, Mix Or Match palette Hot Coral, Jabłoński Grey, Dyer's Woad, Clock Chimes Thirteen palette Caribou, Jet Ski, Fuji Purple, Watermelon Juice palette Peahen, Magnetic Magic, Blue Horizon, Purple Spot, Clock Chimes Thirteen palette USC Gold, Silent Sage, Egyptian Green, Hilo Bay, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Thunderstorm Blue, Dark Potion, Strawberry Rose palette Burst of Gold, Cameroon Green, Aztec Turquoise, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Freshwater Marsh, Red Pear, Roman Bath palette Coffee Kiss, Leafy Seadragon, Huelveño Horizon, Hashita Purple, Camellia Rose, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Black Plum, Butcher Paper, M Obscure Orange, Spike, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Voodoo, Painite, May Mist, Aqua Frost, April Tears palette Natural Leather, Mossy Oak, Trinket Box, Coral Haze, Heavenly Sky, Shrinking Violet, Forbidden Fruit, Clock Chimes Thirteen palett Rustic City, Aged Mustard Green, Burnt Earth, Pumpkin Pie, Habanero, Eyeshadow Turquoise, Clock Chimes Thirteen palette Lobster Brown, Ayrshire, Creamy Caramel, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Delicate Daisy, Veiled Rose palette Vermillion, Greyish Blue, Aquarium Diver, Hypnotic Sea palette Charcoal Light, Rembrandt Ruby, Citrus Honey, Marsupilami, Wild Blue Yonder, Blue Bonnet, Royal Lavender, Darth Vader, Clock Chime Cocoloco, Moroccan Sky, Feldspar, Apricot, Rubber Ducky, Dublin Jack, Benifuji, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Forest Fruit Pink, Prospect Squash Blossom, Watercress, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Brass Nail, Lemon Sorbet Yellow, Fortress Grey, Hush Puppy, Icery, Bread and Bu Football, Touch of Glamor, Grunervetliner, Light Shōtoku Purple, Velveteen Crush, Black Pudding, Fruit Dove, Clock Chimes Thirteen

Color Contrast

Color pairings #002211 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Clock Chimes Thirteen #002211 color png

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