Created at 02/20/2023 19:40
#002d04 HEX Color PCB Green information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#002d04 | RGB(0, 45, 4) |
RGB values are RGB(0, 45, 4)
#002d04 color contain Red 0%, Green 17.65% and Blue 1.57%.
Color Names of #002d04 HEX code
PCB Green, dark forest green Color
Alternative colors of PCB Green #002d04
Opposite Color for PCB Green is #2e002a
#002d04 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #002d04 PCB Green
hsl(125, 100%, 9%)
hsla(125, 100%, 9%, 1)
RGB(0, 45, 4)
RGBA(0, 45, 4, 1)
Palettes for #002d04 color PCB Green:
Below examples of color palettes for #002d04 HEX color
darkest color is #000400 from shades and lightest color is #e6eae6 from tints
Shades palette of #002d04:
Tints palette of #002d04:
Complementary palette of #002d04:
Triadic palette of #002d04:
Square palette of #002d04:
Analogous palette of #002d04:
Split-Complementary palette of #002d04:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #002d04:
Suggested colors palettes for #002d04 HEX:
Colors palette with color #002d04 #1:
Colors palette with color #002d04 #2:
Colors palette with color #002d04 #3:
Colors palette with color #002d04 #4:
Colors palette with color #002d04 #5:
Color PCB Green #002d04 used in palettes (33)
Carmim, Carnage Red, Leather Loafers, Historic Town, Mandalay, Pagoda Blue, Poise, Mazzy Star, Blush d'Amour, PCB Green, Brown Bea Gathering Place, Sun, Pesto Paste, Gem, Frozen Wave, Purple Starburst, Chaos Black, PCB Green, Cherry Pie, Newport Indigo, Tilled PCB Green, Tuatara, Odd Pea Pod, Deserted Path, Pink Delight, Khaki Core, Irish Mist, Yogurt, White Russian palette Mimolette Orange, Bilious Brown, Mamba Green, PCB Green, Zambezi, Lime Daiquiri palette Japonica, Fish Finger, PCB Green, Elegant Purple Gown, Umber Brown, Soufflé palette Granrojo Jellyfish, PCB Green, Wolverine palette Frontier Shingle, Stormy Passion, Sunset, Sailing Tangerine, Autumn Pine Green, Grand Rapids, Dragonfly Blue, Germander Speedwell, Summer Glow, Inca Yellow, PCB Green, Raisin, Honey Bees, Cool Slate palette Never Cry Wolf, Surprise, Blue Collar Man, PCB Green, Davao Green, Canary Island palette Duckie Yellow, Fairstar, Presley Purple, PCB Green, Dancing Dogs palette Ancho Pepper, Christina Brown, Calypso Coral, PCB Green, Scorched, Bastille, Warm Port, Walnut Grove, Autumn Meadow, Guava Jelly p Blood Donor, Imagine, Duck Butter, Vegetable Garden, Cameo Blue, Distant Sky, Corfu Waters, PCB Green, Plum Harvest, Creamy Berry, Island Lush, PCB Green, War God, Dromedary Camel palette Sage, Kingfisher Sheen, Bluebonnet, Captivated, Wild Mulberry, PCB Green, Merlot, Heavy Siena, Grand Grape, Pink Pussycat, Heirloo Little Red Corvette, Vampire State Building, Baneblade Brown, Pastel Brown, Summer Sun, Hisui Kingfisher, PCB Green, Sandalwood, C Antique Treasure, Yamabuki Gold, Limerick, Tropical Lagoon, Veronica, PCB Green, Pink Elephants palette Brick, Ecstasy, Aurora Orange, Barney, Downwell, PCB Green, Paris White palette Evil Centipede, Moroccan Brown, Astro Sunset, Hiking Trail, Hollyhock, PCB Green, Vintage Merlot, Southern Pine, Sandy Toes, Turqu Ruby Red, Silver Linden Grey, Coelia Greenshade, Pond Moss, Mountain Flower Mauve, Precious Stone, Galleon Blue, Hawthorn Rose, PC Golden Gun, Vibrant Vision, PCB Green, Charcoal, Mud Brown, Forest Greenery, Pinkling palette Dexter, Aqua Nation, PCB Green, O Tannenbaum, Frozen Stream, Marrakesh Red palette Beryl Red, PCB Green, Flesh Grey palette Brazilianite, Miami Jade, Eastern Blue, PCB Green, Dark Pine Green, Grey Pinstripe, Soap Bubble palette Apricot Brown, Grasshopper, Sheen Green, PCB Green, Grey Dolphin, Grand Piano palette Bento Box, Heidelberg Red, Toasted, Sea Life, PCB Green, Tornado Wind palette Fresh Pineapple, Janitor, Wild Violet, Magneto's Magenta, PCB Green, Navy Black, Dahlia Delight palette Vintage Coral, Summer Orange, PCB Green, Nemophilist, Art Deco Red, Tax Break, Sphinx, Amethyst Show palette Fired Up, PCB Green, Tahitian Pearl, Smoked Silver palette Grasshopper, Shore Water, PCB Green, Passionfruit Mauve, Forgotten Gold palette Tan Wagon, Canyon Wall, Christi, PCB Green, Antarctic Deep, Glitch palette Brown Eyes, Emotional, PCB Green, Myrtle Deep Green, Smoked Claret, Caramelized Pears palette PCB Green, Arid Plains palette Braid, Flattered Flamingo, Big Sur Blue Jade, PCB Green, Resolute Blue, Persuasion, Posh Peach palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #002d04 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#002d04 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#002d04 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |