Created at 02/18/2023 14:58

#0c0c1c HEX Color information

RGB values are RGB(12, 12, 28)
#0c0c1c color contain Red 4.71%, Green 4.71% and Blue 10.98%.

Color Names of #0c0c1c HEX code

Chinese Black, Tristesse Color

Classification of #0c0c1c color

#0c0c1c is Dark and Neutral Color
Shade of Black
#0c0c1c RGB(12, 12, 28)
Opposite Color for #0c0c1c is #1d1d0c

#0c0c1c Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #0c0c1c

hsl(240, 40%, 8%)
hsla(240, 40%, 8%, 1)
RGB(12, 12, 28)
RGBA(12, 12, 28, 1)

Palettes for #0c0c1c color:

Below examples of color palettes for #0c0c1c HEX color

darkest color is #010103 from shades and lightest color is #e7e7e8 from tints

Shades palette of #0c0c1c:
Tints palette of #0c0c1c:
Complementary palette of #0c0c1c:
Triadic palette of #0c0c1c:
Square palette of #0c0c1c:
Analogous palette of #0c0c1c:
Split-Complementary palette of #0c0c1c:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #0c0c1c:

Color #0c0c1c used in palettes (50)

Earth global warming type save the planet Ui learn history math colors palette Logo knight helmet armor palette Al Samar Colour Palette Retro type elvis presley duotone red Cosmetics ui ecommerce app palette Flat illustration orca ocean colors palette Color nature illustrator star colors Logo design fintech blockchain block chain flat 2d geometric palette Horse logo 2021 branding others logos colors palette 游戏界面 ui ui设计 游戏美术 colors 3d turbine branding loop colors Brand identity branding blockchain block chain bc flat 2d geometric colours 1 Typography graphic design typographic colors palette Modern logo letter startup business colours Ticket task list project management pipeline colors palette Stout 3d typography senior show hex colors Illustration app design patterns pattern hex colors Designagency design website web uxdesigns Credit limit interaction design animation motion colors palette Food illustration website orange colors palette Gradient design illustration company logo logodesign palette Map app circular economy design palette Dashbaord product web app saas colors Logo design colors branding palette Illustration database palette Infinity vision branding design print colors Kinetictypography aftereffects tutorial animation colors palette Signup app mobile uiux hex colors Branding u n logo design monogram Design app ui uiux colors Minimal one page ui website colours Typography logo restaurant badge colors 3d art modeling design artist palette Mockup device smartphone abstract Design daily 100 challenge ui dailyui hex colors Blue cryptocoin design vector colors palette Wordmark logo monogram branding colors Dailyui 059 background geometric design dailyuichallenge Characterdesign design wacky illustration colours Minimal future forward arrow palette Color branding identity logo Perspective typography blocks 3d colors Collection design logofolio beautiful palette Web graphicdesign print 3d hex colors Devices music app uidesign webdesign hex colors Ui login page screen palette Web design card webdesign ui palette App design uiuxdesign propertyapp ui hex colors

Image #0c0c1c color png